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Well, I have some news.

As of tonight I will be DELETING Loving Layla.

It will be completely gone.

But!! There is good news...

In replace of Loving Layla I will be publishing a new BJA story, and for all of you Tre lovers he will play a big role.

The story will be along the same lines as Loving Layla, it will 100% be about Tres love for Billie Joes adult daughter and her feelings in return. Billie Joe himself will be younger then he was in LL more towards the time of American Idiots makings.


Drum roll please.




After much anticipation, many requests and multiple death threats (just kidding, I swear.) I will be writing a very short sequel to Those Green Eyes, just to clarify it's going to be more of a one chapter catch up. Finally going to fill in some blank spaces and your curiosity.

Sleep tight bitches.


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