Chapter Fourteen

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"Taking the kids to school be back soon!" Adrienne yelled from downstairs just before I heard the door close behind her.

Shit. I knew Billie would come looking for me to talk now that she had left. I thought I was ready for this, I thought talking was exactly what I wanted. Hell wasn't that the reason I was here in Oakland in the first place?

"Harper?" I heard Billie calling my name. I quickly looked for a place to hide as his voice grew closer.

I ran into the bathroom attached to the bedroom Adrienne had "assigned" to me and jumped into the shower pulling the curtain closed tight.

Maybe he would think I left.

"Hello?" He asked his voice now in my bedroom.

"You in here?" I heard a knock and the bathroom door clicked open.

My heart was pounding. Be quiet be quiet be quiet I continued telling myself silently.

And suddenly the shower curtain pulled back. He found me. This was the first time I was alone face to face with the father of my illegitimate unborn baby.

"What are you doing?" He looked at me with a mix of confusion and humor.

"Nothing jeez can't I get some privacy around here!" I snapped at him angry that he had found me.

"Well for one it's my house. For two why would you be looking for privacy in an empty bath tub."

I rolled my eyes at his smug attitude. "Well Mr. Armstrong last I checked I was a guest and barely even a willing guest at that! I was basically forced here. I think I've earned the right to hide wherever the hell I want! Whether that be here or under the bed or in a closet... It's none of your damn business."

I realized how harsh it sounded afterwards. Truthfully I couldn't tell whether it was pregnancy hormones or just me.

He didn't say anything at all after that, just silence. I watched as his eyes moved from mine down to my fat stomach.

He stared as if I was a foreign object with six heads.

"What's your problem?" I asked calmer this time.

"How far along are you?" He didn't hesitate getting straight to the point. His eyes were filled with fear. I knew he planned on calculating the numbers after I gave him an answer.

"25 weeks." I showed no emotion.

He nodded.

"It's mine isn't it?"

I felt that he wanted me to lie to him. He wanted relief, just as I did. But I chose to no longer sugar coat the situation.

"He. He is yours. Yes." I said bluntly.

He cupped his hands over his face shaking his head no.

I heard a small noise. He was crying. Suddenly I became very uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, we're not going to ruin your life." I started to walk past him aggravated but pained at the sight of him the way he was.

"Wait." He grabbed my arm turning me around. His eyes were red from tears.

"Your going to raise him by yourself?" He almost looked concerned.

"Maybe. Or I'll place him for adoption."

"Adoption.." He said out loud as if trying to digest this new information.

I shook my head yes.

"Does he have a name?" I flinched as his hand moved onto my belly.

"It's okay. I just want to feel." He whispered softly.

"His name is Everest."

It was the first time I admitted out loud to of chosen a name. I had barely even knew myself.

"Everest." He smiled half heartedly. "I like it."

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