Chapter One

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It was nearing one o'clock in the morning. The streets were pitch black, I could barely see my own feet in front of me. Suddenly I could hear footsteps growing closer..

"Hey! Hey!! Girl with the hood on wait up!" An incredibly beautiful voice yelled from behind me. I began walking backwards, turning around to see who the owner of said voice was.

A shorter man with dark hair and tight jeans approached me. It was the singer of that band I had just saw back at the club.. Green Day.

"Can I help you?" I asked looking around wondering if he had the wrong person.

"Weren't you just um.." He began. "Listening to you play?" I finished for him.

"Yeah." He smiled a smug little grin.

"That was me.." I spoke again hinting at him to get to the point.

"Do you need a ride or something?" He asked.

I blinked a few times confused. "Did you really just chase after me to ask if I needed a ride?"

He chuckled. "I noticed you left without your friends thought you might like some company."

Ah yes now he was making sense, more then likely hoping I was some groupie waiting for the opportunity to sleep with him. I decided to play it cool. "Sure, I suppose I could." I shrugged.

He grabbed my hand pulling me back towards the club. "Ya know you shouldn't be around here alone this late at night." He scanned around him as if waiting for someone to pop out and attack at any moment.

"Do you often lecture strangers?" I asked still following behind him. I could feel his fingers grasping around the palm of my hand tighter and tighter.

"Sorry about that." He sounded genuine so I let it go.

"What's your name anyway?" I wondered if I should give him a fake but decided not to.

"Harper." There was a short pause.

"That's... An incredible name." Before I could respond we were standing at what looked to be a tour bus, he fiddled with a key and opened the door holding it for me to go in. I gave him a strange look. "I thought you were giving me a ride." He seemed slightly annoyed with all of my questions. "I will." I waited for more of an explanation but it never came. He gestured once again for me to enter the bus, this time I did.

"Do you smoke?" He asked pulling a bowl from his left pocket. I nodded as he handed both the bowl and a lighter to me.

"You know my name but I still don't know yours." I said right before taking a hit.

He looked at me like I had six heads. "You don't know my name?" He asked.


"Oh.. well, It's Billie Joe." He leaned up against a small pull out kitchen table, that's when I noticed the shiny piece of silver around his finger.

"What's with the ring?" I narrowed my eyes. He looked down at his hand and then back up to me. "I'm married." He said nonchalantly.

I felt a surge of anger course through me and then panic.. "What do you want with me?" I sounded defensive. His look turned serious.

"What do you mean what do I want with you?"

Was he playing dumb? Does he think I'm dumb?

My voice shrunk to the lowest most cowardly tone. "Are you going to... Kill me? Rape me or something?..." I gulped.

His look turned to confusion before bursting out into a fit of laugher. "You think I want to hurt you?" He asked still laughing.

I rolled my eyes. "I just.. I have a bad feeling okay? I don't think you're the type of guy I should trust." I turned towards the same door that we entered through ready to leave, ready to run faster then I ever had before.

"Wait." I felt his hand on my shoulder. "I'm not asking you to trust me... Just spend the night here, you won't regret it."

Something inside was telling me to go, that this whole thing was a bad idea, maybe it was my moms voice maybe it was my friends or my little sisters... but unfortunately for them I never listen. "Okay I'll stay."

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