Chapter Eight

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Sixteen weeks pregnant-

I had finally gotten a job, a legal job that didn't involve selling drugs or removing my clothes. A music store on the other side of town had offered to hire me and today was my first day. I slid on a pair of skinny dark auburn colored jeans that barely buttoned around my stomach and a black Ramones t shirt that showed my cleavage a little more then necessary, if there was one good thing about being pregnant with a baby I barely wanted it was the boobs I temporarily had. My blonde hair was pulled around into a neat bun, I actually felt good.

"Ready to start?" The manager approached me as I walked through the door, bells jingled behind me.

"I am." I smiled confident. She placed a name tag around my neck, 'My name is Harper. How may I help you?' I read to myself.

"Great, you can start over there." She pointed towards the back section where a giant pile of CDs sat waiting to be stocked.

"Sure thing." I looked at each cd case as I placed it on the shelf in alphabetic order. Half way through I heard the door jingle and a customer quietly approached me.

"Hi." He tapped me on the shoulder causing me to jump and grab my chest. "sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He said.

I looked up to see the most breathtaking human being standing in front of me. Medium length dirty blonde hair skimmed the sides of his face, big blue eyes and a beautiful smug grin. He looked like a scrubbed up version of Jax from Sons of Anarchy.

"It-it's okay." I stuttered backing up into a display of headphones as it collapsed behind me. He grabbed my arm just before I fell. "You ok?" He laughed just a little, almost amused.

"I'm fine." I pulled my arm from his grip and brushed myself off.

"You think you could help me find a cd Harper?" He asked looking into my eyes.

"Ho-how do you know my name?" I stuttered again obviously in a state of hypnosis.

He smirked pointing to my name tag. "Oh.. Well yeah it's my first day.." I quickly searched for any excuse to justify my stupidity. He nodded.

"What cd are you looking for?" I asked collecting myself.

"Ya know I'm not exactly sure, something rock maybe with a little bit of garage noise. Know what I mean?"

I still could barely speak but before I could stammer up a one word answer he pulled a case from my hand, a cd that I was just about to organize on the shelf before this stranger graced me with his presence.

"Sort of like this one." He held it up in front of my face.

"Green Day?" I read slowly out loud.

"Yeah you like them?" He asked.

Now it was my turn to laugh, "not really." I rolled my eyes and continued on with my actual job pulling a few packs of batteries off of the cart and hanging them up.

"Well why not?" He asked.

"Let's just say.." I searched for the right words. "Their music kind of reminds me of this huge jerk off, a married jerk off who sleeps around knocks women up and then vanishes off the face of the earth." I looked deep in thought suddenly realizing what I had just said.

"That's a vivid description.." He looked confused.

Embarrassed I tried to change the subject. "Well you know my name, it's only fair I know yours." I smiled.

"Shane." He put his hand out for me to shake.

"Nice to meet you Shane." I tried my best to act unfazed.

"Yeah you too Harper." I watched as he placed the cd back onto my cart, I looked at him confused.

"I thought you liked Green Day?" I asked holding back a laugh.

"I'm just not really into married jerks that sleep around I guess.." He shrugged and walked backwards towards the front of the store. "I'll see you around." He winked before leaving a little smile pulling at the corner of his lips.

"Stay away from him Harper." My manager walked past me. "Trouble in a blue eyed disguise."

"Aren't they all." I pretended to agree with her, but part of me was desperate to see him again.

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