Chapter Eighteen

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"Have everything you need?"  Adrienne leaned over a bowl of cereal.

"Just myself" I shrugged.

The doorbell rang. Before anyone could react Billie flew down the stairs, nearly running past us.

"Who are you?" He asked staring through the open door.

"Shane. Nice to meet you." He stuck out his hand, which Billie rudely ignored.

"And what do you want?" His eyes narrowed in on the strange blonde haired man.

Adrienne and I now stood behind Billie.

"He's here for my doctors appointment." I looked past him smiling at Shane.

"I thought I was going with you." He looked at me defensively like a wounded animal retreating to a corner to lick it's wounds.

"Why would you be going with her?" Adrienne asked suspiciously yet somewhat confused.

"I uh.. I mean.. I was going to give her a ride." He stuttered covering his tracks. "But that's not the point. Who is this Harper?"

I stood awkwardly thinking of a safe answer. "Well. I guess he's my.. Boyfriend." I never did play it safe, after all.

Shane's lips curved into a sly grin.

Billie glanced back and forth shocked.

"Oh. Oh my. Is this?" Adrienne was thrilled. "Is this the father?" She whispered still loud enough for all of us to hear.

"No!" Billie yelled a little to loud.

We all stared at him.

"What is going on with you!?" She was angry. "And how would you know anyway, huh Billie Joe?"

"Hate to break up this hallmark moment but I have to get going." I rolled my eyes sarcastically. "Let's go." I grabbed Shane's hand allowing him to lead me over to his car.


Short chapter just wanted to update. It's been a couple of months. I made the decision to end this story a little sooner then originally planned. Maybe another three chapters left. Chapter Nineteen will feature Mike and Tre finding out about Harper.

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