Chapter Sixteen

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"So you're pregnant?" Shane asked somewhat surprised.

I kicked a rock as we walked down the street.

"Sorry I didn't tell you." I shrugged.

"Don't be sorry." He smiled just slightly.

"How did you find me anyway?" My eyes wandered to another very pregnant woman walking past us, she was hand in hand with a man who I assumed to be her husband. She looked blissful and he looked proud. I only wished I could be that happy too...

"I got your address from the music store, your sister told me you took off to Oakland, so here I am." He laughed realizing how absolutely crazy it sounded. "I swear I'm not trying to stalk you or anything."

"I know Shane, it's ok. I'm actually kind of glad you're here." We sat down on a bench.

"Whose the dad? If you don't mind me asking."

I took a big breath. "Remember that band I said I hated?"

He thought for a second. "Green Day?" He said unsure.

"The dude that sings." I pointed to my stomach answering his question.

"Wait... What?"

I just nodded. Knowing the words were sinking in.

"How the hell did that happen?"

I shrugged. "I don't even know." It was all I could muster up.

He looked at me now as if I were no longer Harper the human but Harper the rockstars knocked up one night stand.

"You wanna know the best part?" I started to laugh.

He looked amused. "What?"

"He's married... He's fucking married. With two kids, and a huge house and nice cars..." I was now hysterical, who needed a good movie when your life was already a comedy, one big joke.

My smile started to fade, the laughter nearly turning into tears. "And I'm just me."

"Is that a bad thing?" He asked. "Just being you?"

I shook my head. "It's the worst." I looked up at him knowing the tears had pushed their way through.

He pulled me into a hug. "I think your pretty special."


Okay guys,

Team Billie?

Team Shane?


Two weeks ago I hadn't thought about adding in a picture of my new tattoo. I posted it under my fanfic As I Want You To Be - Kurt Cobain. But then I realized Green Day and Nirvana fans are not that far off right? We can all just get along right? A lot of us are both right? SO LETS JUST LOVE BJ and KC OKAY? Anyway back to the subject, the photo attached is my new tattoo that I got two weeks ago for my 22nd Birthday, It's Kurt Cobains actual signature. Maybe I'm wrong, and maybe some of you don't know who he is, maybe some of you know who he is but are not fans of him or his music - and that's okay too. But the amount of meaning and joy this tattoo holds for me is beyond explanation, I couldn't be more honored to live with it, and eventually die with it.

Otherwise I hope you enjoyed the chapter, sorry it was short I'm going to try to update this one more often.

Here's to the NightNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ