Chapter Ten

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Seven days and six nights in Oakland, still no sign of Billie Joe. I walked aimlessly through the streets, past local businesses like restaurants and coffee shops hoping to run into him but I never did.

I even went as far as to ask random people on the streets if they knew him or at least knew of where he usually frequented but instead of answers I was laughed at.

There was one light at the end of this long dark tunnel though, the concert ticket he gave me from the night we met. I removed the crumpled up piece of paper from my pocket, three more weeks until the date and it was a meet and greet pass. What a stupid son of a bitch, knocks me up and gives me a free meet and greet, I bet he was hoping for another hook up not another baby.

"Mind if I sit here?" A sweet woman with long black hair and deep brown eyes pulled me from my thoughts.

"Of course." I nodded politely. Looking around the tiny Starbucks I realized how crowded it had become. The two seat table I was sitting at had become the only one open. She sat down across from me and took a sip from her foam cup.

"When are you due?" She asked out of nowhere.

When am I due? I thought to myself. Is it really that noticeable?

"December." I smiled up at her.

"Boy or girl?" Her eyes lit up with her words.

"It's a boy." I poked my chocolate chip muffin undecided if I should take a bite or not.

"I've got two of those." She giggled a little. "It's no walk in the park but their worth it."

I laughed at her honesty but being as this baby wasn't planned or really even wanted I couldn't agree.

"You're probably scared." She said more manor of fact like then as a question. "I know I was."

"Yeah.. I really am." I whispered.

"It gets easier, trust me." Something about her smile was reassuring, although I didn't know this woman I took her words to heart and oddly enough I did trust her. I could tell just by her demeanor that she was a mother and a good mother at that.

"I'm thinking about adoption.." I said slowly but immediately regretted it. Why did I say that? I haven't even told my own family yet and here I am spilling my guts to some stranger.

She looked at me with compassion. "Adoption is an amazing thing." She nodded. "Is the father involved?"

"No." I shook my head. "Actually he doesn't even know yet."

"I don't know your situation but let me tell you a little story. When I found out I was pregnant I thought my husband would be thrilled! But truth was we were both terrified and it took him some time to warm up to the idea but now.. he's an amazing dad. She smiled at the thought.

"Thank you." I said.

"Well I have to get going but if there's anything you ever need, don't be afraid to call me." I watched as she wrote down numbers on a napkin and handed it to me.

Before I could say anything else she left, I looked over the napkin. She hadn't left a name? Strange.

Giving some random pregnant girl with obvious problems your phone number.. Definitely not something I would of done.. What an amazing woman. I thought. She must be a saint.


See what I did there? (;

- yes the woman is Adrienne.

-no Adrienne does not know who Harper is or that her baby is Billie Joes. She's just genuinely being a good person.

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