Chapter Nineteen

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"Whose the hot blonde upstairs?" Tre searched around my home recording studio for a cd.

I threw him a disgusted stare. "She's pregnant."

"So. Doesn't mean she can't be hot. There's entire porn sites dedicated to pregnant women!" He declared while holding up an REM album.

"Yeah, well speaking of that." I looked between Mike and Tre nervously. "Remember that note you guys found at our last show at the viper?"

"Hard to forget." Mike picked up his phone half distracted.

"The hot blonde wrote it." I rolled my eyes mocking Tre.

"And what? She's stalking you now? That's some lifetime shit." He skipped over to losing my religion on the stereo.

"Not exactly." I replied hoping they would get the hint before I had to explain.

"Then what?" Mike now texting remained distracted.

"God what the fuck are you not understanding!? You found the note, you know I had sex with her, now she's here living in my house and she's pregnant!"

Both of them finally stopped what they were doing, their eyes meeting my own.

"Holy shit." Tre gasped. "This really is lifetime shit." He sat down holding his chest as if he would drop dead at any moment.

"You're kidding, right?" Mike was serious. He was waiting for me to laugh, waiting for me to scream gotcha! Like I had so many times before. But this certainly was no joke.

"No. I'm not." I replied. "It's my baby."

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