Chapter Twelve

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"What happened?" I asked groggily.

"You fainted. Hit your head pretty hard sweetheart. Thank god he found you." The nurse adjusted my pillow underneath me.

"He? Whose he?" The pounding in my head was growing worse.

She picked up my chart reading it over. "Hmm well it says here that his name is Shane."

My eyes widened. "Shane!? From the music store? He's here? Where?" I tried lifting myself up off the stiff bed but failed.

"Calm down dear wouldn't want to stress the baby." She spoke softly before leaving the room. Her white sneakers squeaked against the tile floors.

I moved my hands towards my stomach feeling a little kick, he was still there. He was ok.

"Harper!" The dark haired woman from the coffee shop came running into the room. "Oh god are you alright?" She placed her hand on my forehead as if checking for a temperature.

"Um, I think so.. What are you doing here?" It wasn't possible for me to be anymore confused.

"The hospital called me. They found my number in your bag."

Oh shit, of course.

"Look uh.. Lady. I'm fine you don't have to worry about me.."

She looked at me with big concerned eyes. She felt bad for me.. "Do you have family?"

"Yes." I answered.

"Around here?" She asked again.

"No but it's just a short travel home. Ill-" the same nurse walked back into the room. "Goodness no. No traveling! Not for a little while at least."

I rolled my eyes frustrated.

"You can come home with me. Until you get back up on your feet."

"I appreciate your offer but I have no idea who you are.. For all I know you could be some crazy looking to kidnap me!" I started panicking now. "Please you can't let her take me, this has to be illegal!" I yelled at the nurse.

"Harper I'm not going to kidnap you, I'm a good person. Believe it or not they still exist. Besides my husbands always on the road I'm alone all the time with the kids I could use the company." She smiled. "We'll get to know each other okay?"

"Fine." I said reluctantly knowing I was fighting a losing battle.

"Great." She clapped her hands together excited. Lets start fresh. "I'm Adrienne it's nice to meet you."



Crazy right?

Sorry for such a short rushed chapter, I just knew I needed to publish something and quick.

Weird question but - does anyone have experience with furbys? I bought my daughter one the other day and it's legit turned EVIL. No joke. It was all sweet and nice and then suddenly it's eyes turned mean and it started growling every time she tried to pet it.

What the hell is this? And why?

We are literally living in fear of this furby. Tip toeing around the house as not to piss it off.

Try to feed it virtual food off of the iPad and it makes a gagging noise because you know it's not good enough for such a goddess.

Coco isn't hear anymore.. It's Damien now, Damien the devil furby.

I've attached a photo at the top of the page. Little bastard.

Here's to the NightDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora