Chapter Six

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"What's this?" Tre picked up a small yellow sticky note with neat curvy writing. He held it out in front of me and began to read.

Piss yellow, my feelings for you exactly.

I have no interest in your money

Next time go fuck yourself.

I ripped it out of his hand just as he finished the last two words, the same words I had dreamt of repeatedly since that night. Go fuck yourself. I could hear her voice ringing in my head, angry and cold. I never meant to hurt her.

"None of your business." I glared at him.

"Woah woah woah." He put his hands up in defense.

"What's that about?" Mike asked with a quizzical look in his eye.

"Nothing. Just some stupid girl." I picked up my guitar case and walked towards the front of the tour bus. Mike and Tre followed behind but didn't dare ask another question. "Let's get out of here."

I could only hope they didn't see me stuff the little note into my front jacket pocket. The truth was I didn't think she was stupid, not one bit.


"Just relax, I have to do a quick ultrasound before we start the procedure." A chunky brunette nurse with a clip board in her hand began moving a wand and cold jelly over my stomach. The room was white and cold, it smelled of disinfectant and broken dreams.. I had nothing but a small thin gown covering me.

Suddenly I heard a staticky noise coming from the machine I was attached too. "What is that?" I jumped overly panicked.

She looked at me confused as if the answer to my question was obvious. "That's the fetuses heartbeat hun."

"Heartbeat? Bu-but I thought it was to young to have a heartbeat." I could feel my eyes growing bigger.

"Well, no." She said flatly.

"So does that mean it's alive?" Suddenly I had so many questions.

"It's alive yes but only inside of you, without you it wouldn't survive." She continued moving the wand over me.

Without me it wouldn't survive? But how? Why? They told me it was nothing but a clump of cells.. I was no scientist but clumps of cells didn't have heartbeats.

"Is everything okay?" She asked sweetly.

"Ye-yes." I stuttered laying back down on the cold metal table.

"Alrighty then, just place your feet right here and spread your legs." As if on que the doctor walked in. He was wearing two big rubber gloves, and a mask over his mouth.

"Hello Harper nice to meet you I'm Dr. Kane and ill be handling your procedure today."

"Ok.." I responded. He began looking over my chart that the nurse had left behind.

"Looks like your about eight weeks along. The procedure will be quick and simple." He paused holding up a long yellow tube. "This will be inserted inside of you and pull the fetus right out."

My mouth was now agape. The meds they gave me must of started kicking in because suddenly I felt groggy and nauseous.

"Relax your legs, you won't feel a thing." I could see the long tube being pushed inside of me, but he was right I felt nothing, just numb.

"STOP. PLEASE STOP." I suddenly screamed. He removed the tube quickly and looked up at me terrified.

"I can't do this." Tears began falling from my face.


Did I scare ya? Hahaha.

What do you think about Harpers new decision? What will come next?

Time for a true story, somewhat related to this. When I was seventeen I found out I was pregnant with my daughter, being so young and a month away from graduating high school I was constantly being pressured to abort. It almost happened, sort of like this but didn't. Now she's a healthy happy, incredibly smart three year old and I have no idea what my life would be like without her.

Therefor I thought maybe, just maybe I would incorporate a small piece of what actually happened to me into this story. Makes it more special.

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