Chapter Eleven

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"Harper?" I hear him whisper, his voice grows closer but I can't see him the room is pitch black.

"Billie?" I whisper back.

"Yeah.. It's me." His voice sounds low and seductive.

"What are you doing here?" I ask out of confusion.

"I had to see you. Just one more time." I feel the bed move as he sits down next to me. Certain features now come into view. His hair, his eyes and his lips just inches from mine.

"Hi." I say as his face comes closer.

"Hi." He pushes me back onto the bed gently until I'm lying down.

I feel his fingers move around the hem of my t shirt, he takes it off. I watch scared as his hand fumbles around my now huge and round stomach. I'm completely exposed.

"That's my baby." He kisses around my belly button.

I smile just a little. "Yeah, it is."

His hand works down to my pajamas pulling them off in two slow motions.

"No underwear?" He asks smirking.

I shrug. "I'm too fat for underwear."

"You're not fat, you're pregnant. With my son." He adds in.

He places his hand between me before I stop him. "Maybe we shouldn't do this." I'm so nervous I can barely breathe.

"And why not?" I can see the disappointment flood over him.

"It's exactly what got us into this mess in the first place." I frown looking down at my belly.

"There is no mess Harper. I want this. As soon as he's born we will try for another or at least practice." He stares at me blankly and starts to remove his own clothes this time, until he's naked.

"No Billie. No. No. I don't want this. Please."

"You don't have a choice." He's over top of me now. "Here's to the night." He moans as his lips plunge into mine.

"No no no NO!" I yell just before waking up. Tears fell down my face as I realized it was all just a dream. I wasn't sure if I should be relieved or devastated..

I punched my pillow hard over and over again, crying harder then I've ever cried before until I finally fell back asleep.

But right before I drifted off I saw his face once again. "Sweet dreams." He smiled.

Those were the last words I heard before waking up the next morning in a hospital bed.

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