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This is personal but it's something I feel I should share with my fellow wattpad readers- whom I should add are more of friends to me then just "readers." Today my life changed forever, but in order to explain I have to provide you with a little bit of background information.

In July my little sister moved into an apartment complex with her boyfriend, shortly before moving in my sister found out she was pregnant (she's 20 her boyfriend 22.) Well one short month later what seemed like a miracle happened my own boyfriend, myself and my daughter moved into the apartment building right next door to them! We were all so excited, especially my sister and I knowing our children would be close cousins.

For a while things were smooth sailing.

every morning she would walk over to my apartment and we would laugh over a cup of coffee and a cigarette.

but suddenly everything started changing, my sister who was 7 and 8 months pregnant at the time began arguing with her boyfriend. First bickering, then screaming and then came the cheating (he cheated not her) tension began to arise - but to make a long story short I'm going to skip all of the tiny details of my family drama.

On November 15th at 10:00pm my nephew was born. It's important for me to mention that during this time my sister was still with her boyfriend despite his cheating. She was scared and nervous he was the only person who could comfort her.

Believe it or not things grew increasingly worse after they brought the baby home from the hospital. The fighting was worse, the screaming more loud and soon accusations of abuse came into the picture. Naturally I was pissed, we all were. This time my sister left him. She took the baby and moved back in with our mother. Because of her boyfriends violent tendencies we convinced her to file charges and get a restraining order.

Well last night he broke the restraining order, and this morning a warrant was issued for his arrest- but he would never make it into handcuffs...

Around 11:45 this morning I heard banging on my door. It was MY boyfriends brother, he walked into my sisters house (which was still right next door to mine) and found her boyfriend hanging from the banister.

We tried to save him. The police were called EMTs rushed to the scene but by the time we untied the rope from his neck he was cold and lifeless.

He died this morning, took his own life.

He had a newborn baby whom he left behind. I've been sick all day, alternating between vomiting and crying.

The apartment that once held laughter and hope now only holds nightmares. I feel like this is a dream like ill wake up soon, but it isn't.

Just weeks ago we sat around the table for thanksgiving, I joked with him about how terrible of a cook I was. Things took a turn for the worse so quickly, although I didn't agree with his choices and I was so very angry with him death was never the way out.

My boyfriend and I are looking for a new place, as the one we are currently living in causes so much pain now.

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

Yes this really did happen, it's been a long day and nothing but Valium can help my anxiety.

God Bless you all.

Here's to the NightUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum