Chapter 20 - Conclusions

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I've concluded something.

I was thinking about how whenever I'm around Issac I'm happier and how my heart does flips. How his smile makes me happy, how I relate everything to him, how I made an entire ass playlist of songs that make me think about him.

It kept me up all night but I realized I like him.

He's just so sparkles.

I'm fucking tired. And bored.

I asked Alden if he wanted to hang out but he said he's going on a date that he'll tell me about later, I then asked Ava but she said she has plans, I asked Wyatt after that but he said he's got plans too. I asked Molly too but she said she's hanging out with Jared, fuck him, but she'll text me after.

"Wake up motherfucker!" Someone shouts, bursting into my room.

"Fuck you." Is my automatic reply.

"Oh, you're already awake, nice." It's Issac.

"How do you keep getting in my house?"

"Your dad, Alden, and Alec just let me in." He comes over and starts pulling my blankets off of me.

"Question." He says.

"Answer," I reply.

"You wanna go places today?"

"With you? Possibly."

"Cool." He grabs my arms and pulls me out of bed.

"Get dressed, please." He smiles at me and leaves my room.

I grab a black shirt, a pink skirt, fishnets, socks, and go to my bathroom to get ready.

I change and start putting on my accessories. I usually wear my mom's old ring that has a diamond in the middle, my dads old flame ring, a snake ring, a chain choker thing that has letters hanging off of it that spell Tyler, a necklace that has dice pendants, a silver bracelet, and dangly chain earrings.

I put on my boots and step into the hallway.

Issac's on his phone waiting and turns around when he notices me.

He looks at my clothes and smiles, "We're matching."

I look down and realize we are, in fact, matching. He's wearing black jeans and a pink shirt.

"Let's go."

We walk down the stairs and Alec laughs when he sees us.

"Y'all are so cute," He waves his fingers between us.

"Fuck you," I reply. Issac just glares at me and smiles at Alec.

"Where's my smile?" I frown at Issac.

He turns around and gives me a big grin.

I grab an energy drink from the kitchen and we start walking out the door.

"Bye Alec." Issac waves.

"Love you, fucker." I yell at Alec.

I flip Alec off as we walk to Issac's car.

"Stop flipping off your brother," he scolds me and puts my hand down.

"Well fuck you too," I mutter.

He turns and glares at me while connecting his phone to the car. What makes you beautiful by One Direction plays and his entire face lights up. He turns to me and starts singing along.

"You're insecure, don't know what for. You're turning heads when you walk through the do-o-or. Don't need makeup to cover up, being the way that you are is enou-ou-ough!"

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