Chapter 46 [Can You Look At Me At Least??]

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Jung Yeeun is very considerate and chooses an inexpensive restaurant for dinner. Afterall, it is not the food but the dining partner who is important.

Looking at the woman seating opposite him, Yeeun gets that dazed feeling again. She is really very beautiful and when she wears that hint of a smile like now, she looks absolutely fresh and alluring. More importantly, no matter how she looks, he knows it is a true reflection of herself with no pretense, no complexity. If true beauty goes beyond skin-deep, than Sana is probably a spokesperson for this statement.

He is truly happy she lets him drives her home today and even volunteers to buy him dinner. Can he take this to mean that she has finally decided to reciprocate his feelings? It is very likely since his intentions have been obvious enough these few days and since she has no lack of suitors, she can definitely recognize a suitor when she sees one, so it is really quite unbelievable if she still claim to be ignorant until now.

His gaze turns adoring and softens his features so that he looks totally different from his normally aloof-looking self. Even bystanders like their waiter has noticed the attentiveness of this good-looking man towards his girlfriend but it is a pity that Sana seems oblivious to it all and continues to eat and drink with her usual gusto.

Meanwhile on the other side of town, Tzuyu has no appetite and did not even bother to cook. After several attempts by Schrodinger to bug him for dinner, he finally pours some cat food into his dish to placate his pet. Schrodinger does not like cat food but he can only eat it because he is hungry. As he eats, he would remember to meow his displeasure at his owner.

Tzuyu is oblivious to it as his head feels as if it has been stuffed with cotton wool. He recalls the smooth way Sana has left with Jung Yeeun and the more he imagines what the two are doing now, the more wooden he feels. Even breathing becomes a conscious effort and the feeling is really terrible. He tries to distract himself by watching some TV but it did not work.

Just then, his doorbell rings and he springs up to open the door. His enthusiastic reception catches the courier man by surprise, and boy, the longing in that man’s eyes…..

Under normal circumstances, you can’t blame a guy for thinking too much when another man looks at you with such fervor, and the courier man moves back a step as he holds out a parcel. “Sir, this is your parcel.”

Seeing that it is only the courier man, he lowers his eyes in disappointment and takes the parcel. This makes the courier man feel a bit bad; is his retreat too obvious and has hurt the feelings of this man? Aw…..

The parcel contains the security camera that Tzuyu has bought online. Since he needs something to pass away the time, he begins to install the camera straight away after he has sent off the courier man. When he is done, the white camera blends in well with the wall color and that it is not obvious to a passerby unless one is deliberately looking out for it. The camera is pointing to the area outside his and Sana's door, and the feeds can be viewed directly from his computer so there is no need for him to be glued to his peep-hole from now on.

Although there is little difference in being glued to his laptop.

When Sana returns, she ran into Tzuyu again who is on his way downstairs to buy something. She is still upset with him for being holding hands with Elkie and greets him half-heartedly as she opens her door. Looking at her disappearing back, his heart feels as it has been turned into lead.


She turns around reluctantly. “Is anything the matter?”

Tzuyu feels grieved as if he is being punished for doing something wrong. “Can you at least look at me and see me?”

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