Three A.M.

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 "Pidge, it's not looking good." Coran mumbled. He stood behind her, not directly behind her but a good distance away. The others minus Hunk were gathered back over by the control panel watching Shiro's vitals rise and drop as if it was a bouncy ball.

With her back to the others, she gazed at the still form of Shiro. He was under a complete sedation thanks to the healing pods program. His suit had been blackened so much so it practically disintegrated as they removed it. Then there was the purple scarring matching the blast mark on his chest plate imprinted on his abdomen. The soft glow showed just how fresh his wounds were.

There's no way he should've survived this. Lance's intended quiet whisper to Keith had reached her ears anyway. She ignored it however and remained focused on getting Shiro into a pod.

Then there was the coding.

Shiro's heart had stopped multiple times. Even with the healing pods help. Whatever Haggar had been doing to Shiro seemed to be preventing the healing pod from doing its job. Fearing that he would code again Lance, Keith, Coran, and herself had all stayed in the med-bay. Hunk was preoccupied with Taj and they both slept in his room.

Pidge's vision blurred. She was no longer able to see Shiro. The sharp jawline. The soft black and white hair. The tuft falling perfectly over his forehead and eyes. The peaceful look upon his face as his sedated self slept. She raised a hand to her eyes breaking the barrier of tears that had blocked her vision. The tears spilled down her cheek, but they were quickly wiped away so that by the time she turned to the others she looked more angry then distraught.

"We need to find her," she spoke in a mumble. The others, however, seemed to catch what she said, or rather Keith did.

"But Shiro's our leader, we can't just attack without him."

"Believe me I would want nothing more than for Shiro to be by our sides but he's not able to." Pidge paused, taking the time to look back at the single healing pod in use. Her fear and love for the man in the pod overwhelmed her and she had to force herself to look away. She shoved the feelings down, locking them behind a door. There's no time for tears now. "But Allura chose me. She chose me to take over the coalition and sure that may have started a series of events to all go down hill, but I'm still here and you're still here. And as long as I'm still here I'm going to do whatever I can to stop Clove and whatever sick twisted plan she has for us."

The others looked at her with a blank expression on their faces. This was interestingly the first time that she had voiced something so personal in the presence of them. Lance seemed to be the only one that expression that hadn't changed. He offered her a small smile then nodding for her to continue.

A thought came to her then. A sudden realization that hadn't crossed her mind earlier. "Why do you think that Clove let us go?" She asked the room. No one responded at first.

"To break us?" Coran suggested. He shrugged as the eyes turned towards him, "You're guess is as good as mine."

"She knew that Shiro was our leader and without him she thought that she could get us to fall apart. She knew that he was a dead man walking when she let us go." Pidge became angrier as she continued speaking. "Damn it!" She threw her hands into her hair, "I knew something was off about them when they first came aboard this ship."

"Pidge we had no way of knowing-"

Pidge's head snapped towards Keith. "You! You told me that I had no proof that Shiro had been taken by them and then I ended up being right. Instead of containing them as a precaution you allowed them a chance to gain control of a situation. You are the one to blame. The one who caused Shiro to suddenly be on his deathbed!" She was shouting now. She threw an arm back towards Shiro's pod pointing, "This is all your fault!"

She Chose You~[Shidge]Where stories live. Discover now