You Should Only Tell Secrets to the Dead

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"Please. Please. Please still be there." Pidge whispered silently to herself as she hurriedly made her way up the trail, the rest of the paladins behind her. She was going to keep her promise to Oskana in protecting her and her family. 

She made her way past the dead body of Zayd. She didn't have to look behind her to know that the others had shock and confusion as to what happened, all over their faces. So much had happened that she wasn't even quite sure herself as to what had gone down. 

It wasn't long before they made it back to the part of the trail where Pidge had left Oskana. Here, she slowed down as her eyes moved back and forth across the path. Oskana's footprints could be seen heading in the same direction. Pidge followed them not paying attention to the conversation behind her.

"Was I the only one who saw the body back there?" Hunk whisper-yelled. He had panicked and it took everything that he had to not stop Pidge right then and there.

"Yes Hunk, we all saw it," Keith replied stopping to look at him. That was the last thing that even he expected to see today.

"We don't know what happened," Shiro said cutting off any further conversation about the topic, "So until we find out for sure what happened, no one will talk about it."

The others nodded their heads in response. When they all turned back to the trail they found that Pidge was no longer in sight. Glancing at each other they hurried down the trial, into a clearing.

Knelt down in the sand, back to them was Pidge. She was looking intently at an object in front of her. Sensing their approach she rose to face them a small, metallic grey chip in hand. 

"What is that?" Lance asked.

"It's a chip that Oskana used to take off the cuffs she had me in." Pidge replied automatically. She was continuing to look around the clearing for any more clues as to what could've happened. 

"Pidge there's nothing else here." Shiro said looking around the clearing. It was a sandy clearing with brush and greenery surrounding the outside edge. It was the perfect spot for a fight to go down and not leave any evidence. 

Shiro was pulled from his thoughts by Keith who had nudged him to get his attention. He looked over at Keith only to have his attention diverted to Pidge standing on the clearing edge. She stood for a moment before wading her way through the bushes.

"She would follow her?" Hunk asked. He tentatively took a step forward only for him to stop. No one stepped forward after that. Well, everyone except Shiro. He felt something was off. The way Pidge had been standing at the edge of the clearing, frozen like she couldn't move even if she wanted to. He stepped forward, finding movement at last. When he got to the edge he wasn't expecting Pidge to be standing over a second body. 

"Pidge what is going on? This is the second one that we have seen." Shiro called down to her.

"Galra." Pidge whispered. She turned back to the paladins her eyes wide, " The Galra are back!"


The paladins were standing in the bridge watching as Coran pulled up the scanner. They had raced backed to the castle as soon as Pidge had uttered the sentence that was putting them all on edge. Keith was pacing back and forth with Lance watching him. Hunk was over next to Coran assisting him as needed. Pidge had mentioned something about needing to check-up on a thing or two and was no longer in the room. And Shiro...

Well Shiro is....

Here let me just show you.

Shiro caught Lance's attention by standing behind Keith. Lance noticed this and kinda gave him a questionable look in return. Shiro then jerked his head to outside the room before turning himself and heading out into the hall. A few seconds later Lance joined him hands shoved into his pockets. He knew what was coming. Shiro wanted to finish the conversation from earlier.

"Yes, Shiro?" Lance asked tentatively. He knew that Pidge would kill him if he breathed even a word about her feelings, but I guess that's now a definite possibility. Especially when he mentioned that he needed to tell Shiro something about Pidge.

"Is their something going on with Pidge?" Shiro asked. His eyes were filled with concern, his eyebrows raised upward. 

"N-Nothing that's an emergency per say." Lance said his heart beating fast. Just her feelings for you that she's taking her sweet time to tell you about. Boy was he in hot water.

"Lance," Shiro said, "If there's something going on with her then you need to tell the team, especially if it's hurting her."

This is going to hurt her if I say anything. Lance thought to himself. He couldn't bring himself to say anything, he could only look at the ground in silence. This was making him freak out. There absolutely was something going on but not what Shiro was thinking. How'd he even get stuck in the middle of this anyway?

"Lance?" Shiro asked again, grabbing the teen's attention from his thoughts once more, "Is their something-"

"NO SHIRO FOR THE LAST TIME THERE IS NOTHING GOING ON WITH PIDGE. THE ONLY THING THAT IS GOING ON WITH HER IS HER FEELINGS FOR YOU!!!! THAT IS WHAT IS GOING ON!!!" Lance screamed at Shiro. He was panting as he turned away from him. Letting out a breath of finally having it off of his chest he looked up.

He was met with a wide eyed Pidge. Her mouth was agape as she stared at him. A bag was slung on her shoulder a hand wrapped around the strap. 

Lance watched horrified as the bag slipped from her shoulder to the ground. He looked back up to her her hazel eyes to find them building with tears. She began to slowly shake her head back and forth. A hatred began to from on her face that was a surprise to Lance. 

"I can't believed I trusted you!" Pidge shouted her lip trembling. 

Lance took a step forward his hands on his chest, "Pidge, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to tell him!"

Pidge shook her head backing up, "Just stay away from me." And with that she took off down the hall. The last thing that Lance saw of her face before she ran off was the fresh tears spilling down her face.

"This is all my fault." he turned to Shiro, "I never should've told you that." 

Shiro smiled and nodded. "It's okay." He leaned down to pick up Pidge's bag that she had dropped, "She'll come around eventually, and when she does I'm sure she'll understand.

Lance looked at Shiro, his eyes narrowed. "You're acting really calm for someone who just found out that the person that they liked, likes them back."

Shiro froze. "Yeah?"

"Yeah," Lance replied, "You're kinda freaking me out."


AN: OH. MY. GOD. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K!!!!! I'm so glad that you guys are enjoying this story!!!

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