We're All Dead Men

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Pidge had been right. Clove and Liam had been responsible for Shiro's disappearance. As soon as they had opened the door on the footage, Pidge had lept from the chair. If Keith had not had caught her wrist when he did she would've been out the door.

"We have to think rationally about this." Keith said, pulling her back to her seat.

Pidge nodded, "So while you think of a strategy I'm going to lock them in a cell, so they don't have a chance to escape."

"We can't let them know were on to them," Keith fired back, his voice just barely above a whisper, however the intensity in his voice was enough to return Pidge to her seat.


Keith released her wrist turning back to the monitors flipping through each camera until he found the two traitors. They were in the black lions hanger. They were so close together that it almost looked there was only one person there. Liam gestured to the black lion, his hand then dropping to his side. Clove reached forward grabbing her son's collar. By the time she released him he was nodding his head. Clove then reached into her pocket and pulled out medium length cylinder object about the thickness of Pidge's arm.

"Pidge, we need to move, now!" He practically yelled pushing his chair back and dragging her out the door with him.  "Go alert the others tell them we need to get out of the Castle," he released her hand, locking his course onto the black lion's hanger.

Moments later he burst through the door. Startling both Liam and Clove. Clove released her son's shirt once again turning to face him.

"Why hell-" 

Keith cut Clove off, "Dismantle them."

"I'm sorry?" Clove replied sickly sweet.

"The bombs. Where. Are. They?" Keith growled.

Clove smiled and began to shake her head. She looked up as if to roll her eyes but stopped halfway up. Her smile faded and Keith could only guess that she had spotted the security camera above the door. 

"It's too late now." Clove said, "If you move them now they'll blow up anyway."

Keith pulled out his bayard, activating it. He took a step forward his eyes focused on Clove. Liam he could take out easily but Clove seemed like she had been trained.

"uh uh uh," Clove teased shaking her finger at him, "I wouldn't do that either." She then proceeded to draw out her hand from her pocket revealing a thin black cylinder with a red button on top.

A dead man's switch.

"What do you want?" Keith asked, deactivating his bayard.

"I don't want anything." Clove said gesturing to herself, "The Galra, on the other hand, want Voltron destroyed."

"Then why did you take Shiro?"

"The Champion," Clove corrected, "belongs with the Galra. He was never to be released in the first place and those who aided in his escape have paid dearly for it."

"What about Oskana? The Galra killed your own daughter and yet you still side with them."

Clove paused for a moment, as if she was actually listening. Then any evidence that she actually was vanished from her face, replaced by a hardened glare. "Oskana made her choice. She knew what she had to do and yet she allowed her feelings to get in the way." She paused, glancing over to Liam, "Come to think of it, Pidge was the one to change Oskana's mind."


Pidge was standing at the edge of the clearing, just short of being in the forest. The wind whipped through her hair as she stared back at the castle of lions. She had seen the cylinder, the one of many that could be spread throughout the castle armed and ready for use. 

"Pidge, I thought you said Keith was coming!" Hunk yelled above the wind. It had suddenly picked up making it extremely louder as the sun disappeared behind ashen clouds. 

"I thought he was too!" Pidge replied. She glanced to Taj being held in Hunk's arms. His eyes were wide with fear as he stared directly into her eyes. So young and yet he had already experienced more then he should have to.

"One of us should go back for him," Lance commented stepping forward, "He could be in trouble."

"He told me to get everyone out." Pidge replied. Even as she spoke the words she knew that he had said nothing about not coming back for him. "Lance, come with me. The rest of you stay put."


The rain began fall in sharp pricks just as they reached the door. Lance opened it and pulled her inside. They both paused for just a moment their labored breathing filling the eerily empty entrance way. The pings of rain on the the castle echoed making it seem a lot louder than it was.

"At least we have some cover," Pidge mumbled stepping forward.

"You said they were in the black lions hanger, right?" Lance asked, falling in step behind her. 

"That's right." She replied.

"Of all places they chose to pick they chose the black lions hanger."

"It's because they have it out for Shiro." She bit back, "They always will. No matter what we do we will always have to watch out for Shiro." She frowned, "When I get my hands on them-"

"Pidge. Pidge. Pidge," Lance said her name over and over again stepping in front of her. Pidge stopped an annoyed look coming across her face although she didn't say anything more. "Pidge, promise me that when it comes time to deal with Clove and Liam, that you will not try anything. Let Keith and I handle it."

"They took him." She glared at Lance with every fiber of hatred she felt towards Clove and Liam. "Just when I got him, they took him from me, and left me with nothing." She dropped her head, closing her eyes as if to try and keep the tears from falling, however when she looked up there was fresh tracks of tears down her face. "I-I have no idea if he's still alive." 

She gripped her right hand, taking her left thumb and pressing it into the center of her palm. "I-I never even got the chance to tell him how much I-" What was this feeling that she so desperately wanted to describe? Was it love? She wasn't sure. But this ach in her chest was telling her something. The longer he was gone the more painful it felt, and right now it felt like she was suffocating. 

"Hey," Lance said, his voice soft. He pulled her into a hug, holding her tightly. "It's okay. You don't have to explain. I totally get it."

After a moment Lance released her, still holding onto her upper arms. "Why don't you go watch the security footage, and let Keith and I deal with the actual fighting. You're not mentally prepared for a fight if it comes down to it."

Pidge nodded not finding the motivation to fight back. "Alright."

They began to walk their separate ways when they heard a distinct beep. They both whipped around to face the other eyes wide. Both had heard the exact same sound several times before, on missions to thwart the Galra's plans. It became easy to pick up on especially when you weren't supposed to hear the beep. 

Keith, Lance and Pidge were in the castle and it was set to blow at any moment. One thought ran through both their minds as they took off towards the black lions hanger.

Get Keith and get out otherwise we're all dead.

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