Sneaking Out

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The castle hallways were programed to dim while everyone was asleep making it almost impossible for one to see. This helped conserve the castle's energy, but did not make it easy to sneak out. The hallways were all lit by a single light that was more than halfway up the wall that didn't provide any help another than to let its precense be known.

With her hand pressed gently against the wall Pidge followed the lenght of it until it ended abruptly and fell to the right. Stopping she turned, her back pressed against the wall and with her hands outstreched she walked across the width of the hallway to the otherside. Placing her hand back on the wall she followed it to the left her eyes trained straight in front of her. She was almost to her lion's chamber, where there was a door she could exit the ship from without coming across anyone who might still be up. This path she had taken many times before when the halls were lit and when she was supposed to be asleep but instead went to spend time with her lion.

She glanced behind her her eyes serching the blackness for any sign someone might be up. She knew that she shouldn't do this, at least not without backup or even a solid plan for that matter, but she couldn't wait she wanted to figure out why a native Olkari would place a bomb in one of their own buildings. Pidge was fimilair with terriosm yes, but something about it felt like it was more than just a native, wanting to kill vital people to the coalition.

Reaching her lion's chamber at last she placed her helmet firmly on her head. Pausing for just a moment to make sure that no one was just right outstide she turned and opened the door. She stepped outside the cool night meeting her with a breeze that felt like home. It had been so long since they had been on earth she had forgotten what it felt like. The feeling pricked her eyes with tears and she stood there a moment.

Before long her task came back to mind and she quickly tore herself away from the castle and trotted across the short clearing to the city. It was absolute silence when she first entered the city not a soul in sight.

The streets were dark as Pidge made her way through the city. Ducking through alleyways and crossing barely lit streets she suddenly found herself in the town square not a soul in sight.

From what she could see most of the buildings were dark, however, a structure to her left caught her attention. Turning she found the curtains drawn, but despite that the light behind them still filtered through. The building itself was older in style but not in the technical side of things.

Glancing around the empty square she made her way over to the building, pushing the door open. No one seemed to pay any mind to her as she entered most of the tables were filled with Olkari murmuring quietly.

Setting herself at the bar she turned to look behind her. The curtains that covered the window were a thin gray fabric that looked like good quality from a distance. Several candles were lit around the room causing the already prominent showdows to dance.

A glass was placed in front of her and she looked at the bartender confused. "I didn't order anything."

Not saying anything the bartender nodded his head behind her, before returning to his job of cleaning the glasses.

Pidge turned to find a cloaked figure with their hood up. Where she was supposed to see a face, she only saw blackness.

Picking up the glass she crossed the room and set it down on the wooden table with a dull thud. The figure shifted ever so slightly. Pidge slid into a chair across from them.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Pidge growled. She didn't have time for weird figures to be following her.

The figure remained silent continuing to safe at her through the shadow their hood provided.

After a what seemed like forever words were finally spoken, leaning forward the figure whispered the following: "You need to stay out of where you don't belong."

With that they stood, tossed a few coins onto the table and disappeared through the door and into the empty streets.

Pidge sat there her eyes glued to the pile of coins. Reaching forward she picked up one her eyebrows furrowed.

Held between her forefinger and her thumb was a simple washer. No, not an alien washer, but a round silver washer that you would find on earth. Gripping it firmly in her hand she bolted from the from the chair and out the door.

Stopping in the town square she spun around trying to find some sign as to where the figure could've disappeared to.

A crash behind her caused her to spin around her bayard activated. She turned just in time to see a black cloak disappearing down a dark alleyway.

Breaking into a run Pidge darted after them allowing her presence to be known. They darted through several alleayways. Jumping over abandoned crates and sliding under fences that were misbuilt Pidge was able to gain on the retreating figure.

To her good fortune the figure stumbled falling forward. Pidge lept forward pinning their arms to their side as they fell.

Landing on top of them Pidge quickly moved to where she could turn them over, so she could see the face of the person who wanted her to stay out of investigating the attack.

Her eyes widened when she saw who it was her grip on the figure slackening. Her lips moved trying to find the right words to say although no sound came out.

The figure noticed her slackening grip and took action. Reaching into the folds of her cloak she pulled out a small dagger. Pulling back they slammed the handle of the dagger against Pidge's temple and she slumped to the ground.

As Pidge's eyesight faded to blackness she could only wonder why Oskana wanted her to stay out of investigating the bombing...

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