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Lance released Pidge from the vise-like grip he had held her from the moment the pod released her. She had struggled against his fierce affection almost immediately, but when he refused to let go she sighed and returned the hug. Pidge tried to end the hug, but Lance held her even tighter, so she ended up just standing there her arms around him and his around her. His head was resting upon her's.

"I'm so glad you're alright," He mumbles into her hair, "I don't know what we would do if we lost another teammate." 

He's on the verge of tears. She can tell the way his voice quivered when he spoke. Pulling from the hug Pidge looked up into his face to find tears in his eyes. He blinked once. Twice. A tear fell and he looked away clearing his throat.

"Lance?" She placed a hand on his shoulder encouraging him to speak.

"I'm fine." he replied still not meeting her gaze, "I was just worried is all," he turned back to her, his eyes vacant and facial expression blank. He reached out and tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. "Be careful next time. Watch your surroundings. Okay?"

Pidge nodded. She stood in silence as Lance turned and left the room. He still feels guilty about Allura. He blamed himself for what happened with Allura, and now he's doing it with me.

She turned to find Hunk slumped against the Cryopod, passed out asleep. Pidge shook her head smiling as she headed to her room. 


As soon as the doors closed Lance leaned heavily against them his legs threating to give out. He covered his eyes with the palms of his hands as he forced the tears to stop. When he finally did remove his hands his breath was still shaky with the promise of new tears. Shaking his head he pushed off of the door and walked down the corridor, not having a destination in mind.

Allura's gone because of me, and now we almost lost Pidge. If only I had been quicker I may have been able to save Allura and things would still be normal.

He turned down the corridor heading towards the bridge. Having this overwhelming feeling that left a pit in his stomach, he looked behind him. Turning into the corridor was Shiro. He ran a hand through his hair, exasperated.  Shiro looked defeated. His shoulders were hunched forward His head lowered slightly. His eyes flicked up to make sure he wasn't going to run anything before flicking down again. Almost immediately his head shot up his eyes meeting Lance's

Lance waved to him, awkwardly dropping his hand as Shiro closed the distance between them. He cleared his throat flashing a smile. 

"Hey Shiro," Lance said casually. He slipped his hands into his back pockets as he rocked back onto his heels. He didn't know why he was nervous but his gut told him he should be.

Shiro nodded his greeting. "How's Pidge?" the question made his voice sound distant as if he was uninterested.

"Pidge's okay," he responded. Thank God. he thought to himself. "I'm sure she would love to see you." Lance tilted his head to the right a little as he waited for a response.

At first, Shiro prepared appeared to considered his head ready to nod. Something must've changed though because his eyes dimmed and he ended up shaking his head. "I'll see her later. Besides she has you, so you should probably get back to her.

Lance couldn't believe what he was hearing. Shiro was denying the opportunity to check on a teammate. He said I should. Lance tried his best to keep from smiling. Oh my God.

"Are you Jealous?" Lance asked. He was giddy with excitement. Shiro turned his head slightly to the side not meeting Lance's gaze. "Oh my God. You are!" he started snickering.

Shiro glared at him silently, contemplating whether or not he should smack Lance across the face to shut him up. The blue paladin was starting to get on his nerves lately and he would love nothing more than to wipe that smile off his face.

He never got the chance, because Pidge came around the corner. She was back in her regular clothes, her brother's glasses resting on her face. A smile grew on her face as she approached. Greeting them she stopped next to Lance.

Lance glanced over at her before making eye contact with Shiro. He never broke eye contact as his arm snaked around Pidge's shoulders pulling her slightly closer.

Shiro glared at Lance as if daring him to continue with his teasing. He could feel his nails digging into the palms of his hands. The muscles in his arms and back tensed as Lance's lips curved slightly upward at his reaction. He was having way too much fun. 

A slight movement just enough for Shiro to notice that Pidge moved an inch closer to Lance. She smiled at Shiro her eyes moving to just behind him.

"Coran!" Pidge broke away from the group running to catch up to the Altean. They disappeared around the corner. Pidge talking all the way.

Shiro watched her go as if nothing had happened. That it was just another day. As soon as he could no longer hear them he turned to Lance.

"What the hell is your problem?" Shiro asked. His voice was as cold as the steel grey that reflected in his eyes.

Lance shrugged, "I don't have a problem."

"I'm sorry. Let me rephrase that. What the hell was that?" he asked. Gesturing to the vacant space next to Lance.

Lance smirked, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Shiro sighed, closing his eyes. "Just forget it," he pushed past Lance continuing down the empty corridor.



Thank you so much for reading. It means a lot that you guys enjoy reading my writing!

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