I'm Not Sure I Want to Know

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Pidge, Shiro, Lance all made there way back over the newly tipped tree and through the opening in the building. Pidge grabbed her bag and slipped it back over her shoulder continuing back on down the hall right back to where they started.

"It really sucks that we couldn't find anything else," Lance says glancing around as they exited the building. Pidge nodded in agreement her eyes glancing toward her hand closed firmly around the ID she had found in the forest.

"Yeah it really does," she replies slipping the ID into a pocket in her armor. She felt like she needed more to go on before she could tell the others. Gathering vital information was crucial and she felt like she was nowhere ready to share this newfound information with the others. Swallowing the butterflies that had made their way to her throat, she continued with the others back to the castle of lions.


Upon entering the castle of lions all three paladins heard a shriek that sent them into a run towards the lounge. Shiro was the first to enter the room only to find Hunk and the Olkari child rolling with fits of laughter. Relaxing they entered the room and settled themselves on the couch. The Olkari noticing the new people quieted down and curled himself close to Hunk his head turned away from them.

"Hey Hunk, do you know his name?" Pidge asked. She moved from side to side on the couch trying to see if she could get a glimpse of his face from where she was next to Hunk.

"No I Haven't, but he seems to respond to Taj," upon hearing the name the little Olkari lifted his head and looked towards Hunk before remembering that there were other people in the room. He looked around his eyes darting back and forth among the paladins.

"Hey little guy," Shiro said softly, waving at him. Taj looked from Shiro to Hunk, who gave him a nod.

Taj having made up his mind crawled from the safe embrace of Hunk and climbed down from the couch. He crossed the room and climbed up onto the couch before settling next to Shiro, his tiny arms wrapping around as far as they could go. Shiro watched with amusement as Taj got himself settled his eyes closing almost immediately.

The sight set Pidge's heart aflame and she had to force herself to look away several times, for fear she might draw attention to her warm face. She glanced back over at them before busing herself with digging through her bag. She would do anything to keep her distracted.

"Pidge?" Shiro asked.

She let out a squeak. She was not expecting to hear his voice call her name. the bag dropped from her hands to the couch and she froze her breath fast as her heartbeat.

"You okay?" Shiro asked raising his eyebrows, "You've gone through that bag at least four times."

Hearing that he had been watching her caused her face to grow warm once more. She once again grabbed the bag hiding her face pretending to dig through it once more. "Uh, yeah I-I thought I put a certain tool in here, but I guess I didn't. It may still be in my lab. I'm going to go get it. Okay bye!" in one smooth motion she had lept over the back of the couch and had run out the door. The only problem was that she had left her bag with other devices sitting on the couch.


"Ohmygodohmygodohmygod....." Pidge paced back and forth. She adjusted and readjusted her gauntlets over and over again before taking them off. She fumbled with them for a minute before finally setting the first on her desk in front of her. She managed to get the second off only for it to drop from her hands and rolled under the desk.

Sighing she dropped to her knees disappearing under the desk to retrieve her runaway armor. She had just grabbed it when a pair of feet adorned in black paladin armor appeared in front of her desk. Her eyes grew wide and her body refused to move.


Hitting her head on the desk she let out a mumbled curse. She backed out from beneath the desk. Standing up she put her second gauntlet next to the first clearing her throat.

"Hey, Shiro," she replied as casually as she could. She didn't look at him instead she busied herself with removing her armor. She became so focused she forgot that Shiro was there. She only remembered that he had been when she heard her lab doors close. When she looked up she found her bag that she had left in the lounge.

Something broke in her when she realized what had happened. She glanced from the bag to the door and back again. She slumped back in her chair groaning aloud. "Why can't everything just be simple?"

"Cause it takes the fun out of it," She sat up to find Lance leaning against the doorway. He smirked at her and entered her lab finding himself a seat on her desk.

She sighed and turned her attention back to removing her armor. "Hello, Lance," She pulled her chest plate over her head and dropped it on the floor next to her boots.

"Something up?" he asked his bright mood dimming slightly, "You seem off,"

"Oh what gave you that idea?" she asked rising from her chair and approaching a box where she kept an extra set of clothes for occasions just like this, when she didn't feel like returning to her room.

"Oh let me guess!!!" Lance clapped his hands together, his eyes bright.

"Go ahead," she waved her hand her back towards him. A few seconds later she turned back towards him a shirt in hand.


At the comment, she glared at him, threw the shirt at him, and returned to the box once more to find yet another shirt.

"Kidding," Lance said laughing as he caught the shirt. "You're a lot meaner when you are on-"

The glare Pidge gave him was enough for him to stop talking about it. When she turned back he cleared his throat, setting her shirt to the side.

"Is it boy problems?" Lance asked. He had gotten quiet all of a sudden like he knew that was the reason.

She cleared her throat. "You could say that, yes," she set her clothes on the desk. With one hand she motioned for Lance to turn around. He did so without complaint. This was not an unusual occurrence for either of them as they often talked about their own problems that they were having with the other person.

They continued to talk while Pidge changed out of her undersuit. Lance nodding along while he listened.

"You could say that there is a guy I like that I'm not sure if he feels the same way." Pidge said, "Of course I'm not sure that I want to know."

By this point, Pidge was done changing and Lance has turned back around. His lips where pursed deep in thought.

"Why wouldn't you want to know? Wouldn't it be better to know so you can move on if you need to?"

Pidge tilted her head back and forth, "I mean yeah, but I just feel like it's going to be awkward for everyone here."

Lance shook his head, "I don't know what your thinking, but it may be like that at first after he rejects you-"

"Wait you think he's going to reject me?? Why??" She latched onto his arms her eyes wide with panic, "Lance why do you think he's going to reject me?"

"If we're talking about who I think we are talking about then no. He's not going to reject you. Because you're beautiful and amazing. No one could every outshine you. If this guy rejects you then he has no idea what he's missing-" He brushed a piece of hair out of her face- "Pidge you're incredibly smart, who wouldn't want that?"

Pidge ducked her head chuckling. She did it partly to hide the blush crawling into her cheeks and the tears that were forming at the corners of her eyes. Lance lifted her chin with the edge of her finger giving her a soft smile. The tears spilled over and she couldn't keep from laughing.

"Thanks, Lance," she said smiling.

"Anytime," he replied pulling her into a hug.

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