Mother and Son

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"Two o'clock fighters inbound!"

"Pidge! Keith! Hurry up and get out of there!"

"On our way!"

"We're out. We managed to save two captives."

"Ion canon is powering up!"

"Look out!"

"Pidge move!"

"In a sec!"

"No now!"

"I said in a sec!"

"Pidge! Look out!"


Pidge threw open the doors from her lions chamber her helmet already removed from her head. She grit her teeth as she walked up the the black paladin. He was coming to meet her the same look on his face.

"What the Hell!" They both shouted at the same time.

"Why would you put yourself on the line like that?" Shiro asked. He threw his hands up exasperated, "You could've died!"

"I had it handled!" Pidge yelled back. "I knew what I was doing!"

"Not moving from in front of an Ion canon when it could fire at any moment is completely idiotic!"

"Would you have rather have it fired aimlessly and accidentally hit someone else?" Pidge fired back

"Of course not!" He sighed running his hands through his hair, "but that doesn't make it okay for you to put yourself in the way either."

"I've done it a millions of times before," Pidge replied, "it's not like it's our first time in battle."

Shiro opened his mouth ready with a comeback.

"Although I see where your coming from. And it's understandable, but if we're going to work then we can't constantly be risking our lives for each other. It's going to get both of us killed."

Shiro nodded. "I agree, however, don't be putting yourself in danger when it doesn't call for it. Alright?"

"Alright." Pidge replied a small smile creeping onto her face.
"Thank you," the older Olkari mumbled as she accepted some water from Coran.

"Is there anything you can tell us about the Galra?" Keith asked. He had his arms crossed over his chest. "Did you learn anything at all?"

The Olkari took her time to respond. "I'm sorry no. We hardly had any contact with the Galra."

She held the cup out to her companion. He took it drinking from it. Neither of them had said much only answering questions when asked. Both of them looked malnourished. Pidge wasn't quite sure how they managed to survive.

Hunk entered the room a few minutes later carrying a couple bowls filled with food goo. He handed one to each and they readily accepted.

As they began to eat Shiro took over asking questions. "Can I ask your names?"

"My names Clover." The one with blue markings across her cheeks said this before gesturing to her companion, "and this is my son Liam."

Liam had orange markings instead of the vibrant blue that his mother had. He appeared to be around Shiro's age As for his height he was shorter  then him by a few inches, his mother, on the other hand, was closer to Keith in height.

Clover set the bowl down having finished her food goo. "It's been years since I've been home." She turned to her son, "are you ready to go home?"

"Please stay at least a few more days so we can make sure your truly okay." Coran piped up, "it's no bother and we have plenty of extra rooms!"

Clover and Liam exchanged a glance. "Oh I guess we could," Clover replied.

The two followed Coran out. Leaving the Paladins in the med bay.


"I know!" She snapped. She looked back to the close door her heart breaking. Mother and son. Only half of a family. 

"We've got to tell them soon." Keith said.

"Are we sure it's them?" Hunk asked as he reached for the empty bowls.

"The resemblance was too close. It's them alright." Shiro responded.

"The thing is, how do you tell someone that their daughter they haven't seen for years was brutally murdered?"

Lance's question rang in their ears. He was right how were they going to tell them?


AN: Shorter than usual I know. Enjoy! :)

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