You Could Make a Difference

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The kitchen was silent when she entered the next morning. The monitor at the edge of the door sensed her movement and clicked the lights on. Pidge filled a bowl with food good and slid into a seat at the dining room table.

What was Allura thinking? What could she see that Pidge couldn't? Surely whatever she saw must've been mistaken for something else.

Pidge sighed setting the spoon down. She closed her eyes for a moment biting the inside of her cheek.
"Allura look out!" Lance screamed over the sound of blasts and gunshots.

The princess didn't respond as she was caught in her battle between a Galra sentry and herself. She was so close to taking it down. Summoning her Bayard she let out a battle cry destroying the sentry once and for all.

Lance cried out again for her to lookout. As she turned a sentry that had been sneaking up on her lunged. Driving his sword through her chest. Allura stood there shocked her eyes fixated on the blade.

One by one everyone took notice the battle slowly coming to a stop. The sounds of blasts cut off to be replaced by the clattering sound of Allura's Bayard hitting the ground.

The Galra who had landed the blow let out a deranged laugh only to be silenced by Keith's sword with a sickening slice through the Galra's neck.

Allura dropped to her knees her eyes still wide with shock. Lance was the first one to run up to her and grab hold of her before she fell completely.

She leaned into him heavily her eyes fluttering. By this time her whole front was soaked with blood.

"Allura stays with me," Lance said his voice shaking. He brought up his hand and gently brushed a strand of hair out of her face tucking it behind her ear.

"Lance...I..."  she's interrupted by a coughing fit and blood starts dripping from her mouth running over her beautiful lips staining them red.

"Shh," Lance grips her hand, his other arm supporting her back, "save your strength."

The other Paladins had gathered around keeping a wary eye on the few Galra who had not been killed or injured.

"I'm not going to make it Lance," Allura said her voice just barely above a whisper.

Lance started shaking his head, "No, you're going to make it. You'll be alright,"  tears trickled down his face, "will get you out of here and we can get you into a pod," Lance's voice cracked.

She gave him a weak smile placing a bloody hand on his cheek. He leaned into it and closed his eyes. He opened them again when her hand fell away.

Her eyes were closed and she leaned against him her head resting on his shoulder.

Pidge could barely stand to be watching anymore and she turned to the first Galra she saw and lunged.....

She jumped as her name was called. Looking up to the source she found it was Shiro. He sat down next to her, his eyes only leaving her for a moment before immediately returning to her. His eyes were filled with concern and searched her eyes for answers. 

"Pidge, I know that you don't even want to consider it..."

So that was his plan. Try and convince her to become a diplomat for the sake of the universe, but what about her? What about what she wanted? She rested her head on her hand and fiddled with the spoon with the other.

"...but maybe you could do it for the universe. You'd be helping so many lives and planets."

"That's funny," she says glaring at him, "I knew you were going to say that," she sighed and leaned back in her chair, "and no I don't care what Allura said. I'm a Paladin and that's all, I'm not a diplomat, never was never will be."

"You don't know until you try," Shiro responds giving her a small smile. Pidge rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

On the outside, she looked and acted like she didn't care, but on the inside, about fifteen different alarms were going off. She felt her face grow slightly warm and she kept her eyes focused on her food in front of her.

"Pidge, you need to think about what you're saying no to. If you do this you could make a huge difference in the outcome of the war."

She looked back at him her eyebrows furrowed and her eyes glassed over, any warmth she had felt had completely vanished, "Am I not already making a difference?"

"Well...yes..." Shiro seemed to hesitate, avoiding her gaze.

"But not as much as of a difference as you would like," Pidge said speaking for him. She bit her lip and nodded, tears were building in her eyes and she was doing her best to keep her composure, "Alright now that's out of the way it's clear what I must choose," she says her voice wavering ever so slightly as she stood up from the table.

"Wait, Kaite...Don't...I didn't mean-" Shiro was struggling on finding the right words to fix the mess he had gotten himself into.

"Don't even try Shiro. You've made your thoughts very clear, thank you for that," Pidge gave him a small curtsey, before turning and stalking off towards the door. Pausing as the door slid open she turned to face him, "Don't call me Katie."

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