Olkari pt 2

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The Paladins plus Coran entered the headquarters already a buzz with diplomatic leaders and assistants. There was a noticeable lack of security in the building which led Hunk to nudge Lance and point it out as if he was saying. Told you.

Pidge watched as people leaned close to their companions and chatter excitedly while pointing to an object or screen. She looked to find Shiro conversing with a native of Olkari. She didn't recognize him, from what she could tell was that he was only there for the meeting.

She smiled as she approached trying to remember the first thing about greeting someone. Both Shiro and the Olkari turned to face her almost immediately the Olkari took her hand and shook it.

"Paladin Pidge, so nice of you to join us," he said casually. Pidge nodded withdrawing her hand once he released it. The Olkari seemed to notice her lack of response and turned back to Shiro. She bit her lip as she mentally slapped herself. A voiced response would've probably been better, she thought. 

She was only thirty feet into the door and she was already screwing things up. How did Allura manage to do this? As casually as she could she glanced around hoping to find another conversation to join since this one was going nowhere for her.

Pidge turned when a hand was placed on her back. She found another Olkari around her height looking back at her with wide eyes. "Paladin Pidge?"

She started to nod only to stop herself and clear her throat. "Yes, that's me." 

The Olkari looked overjoyed to see her clasping her hands together, "Oh boy! Okay!" she took deep breaths calming her excitement. Lowering her head she said in a more solemn tone, "I'm sorry that was not very proper of me-" She glanced up, holding a hand out behind her- "I'm here to escort you to the meeting."

Pidge nodded, "Alright let me just grab my friends," She turned to leave only for the Olkari to grab her arm holding her back.

"They can not enter the room, only the diplomatic leaders may. If they wish to wait here they may otherwise we will ask that they leave."

"Oh...Here's fine," she glanced back at her friends as she left the room. Guess they do have specific guidelines in place for the leader's safety and security.

It didn't take long for them to reach the large metallic doors they stood in front of now. The doors reached just above the normal height for a door. Surrounding the door were others just like it. Each one had a keycard lock which the Olkari seemed to have. As she went to slide it the door slid open revealing, yet another Olkari with a tech uniform on and a bag gripped in his hand. If he was surprised to see them he hid it well. He tipped his hat to them both and went on his way. Pidge followed him with her eyes down the hallway and around the corner an uneasy feeling gnawing at her stomach.

"The meeting will begin shortly," The Olkari said stepping to the side allowing her access to the room.

"Thank you...." She trailed off not knowing the kind girl's name.


"Thank you, Oksana," Pidge repeated.


Stepping into the room Pidge immediately noticed the long table situated in the middle of the room with a podium at one end. Her steps echoed as she made her way to the table her eyes following the intricate designs on the floor and wall.  There was a line of pillars around the room decorated in all kinds of crystals and jewels.

Placing her hands on the smooth metal of the chair she pulled it out. She winced as the chair scraped across the floor, once she had pulled it out far enough she sat down not bothering to pull it back in. Almost immediately the door slid open and a huge group of aliens entered sitting down in any chair they could find.

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