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It had started after Allura's death when a mission had gone south. No more then five minutes after they had gotten back Coran was telling her Allura had wanted her to take her place. Pidge was at a lost for words. She had stood there, mouth agape her vision going in and out of focus.

The floor seemed to sway beneath her feet as Coran continued to explain. Her legs gave out and she stumbled trying to catch herself. Shiro had caught her and led her over to the couch helping her to sit down.

Pidge lowered her head her hands running through her hair. This was all too much. Being a Paladin of Voltron was already stressful enough. She didn't need dresses and meetings added to the list.

Coran continues to blabber on talking on and on about how she would need to work on proper etiquette when talking to other royalty and attending dinner parties. That's when she snapped.

"CORAN!!!" She snapped cutting him off, "shut up!" He froze mid-explanation on how he was going to help her learn about diplomacy.

The room stilled as they waited for her to continue. Their eyes were on her as she rose to her feet. Shiro offered his hand for support but she denied it as she walked towards Coran.

She cleared her throat, "I'm not going to be a diplomat Coran. No matter what Allura said I don't want anything to do with it," Pidge held her hands up as Coran opened his mouth to argue. She closed her eyes for a split second while she turned towards the door. "Please respect my decision," she says quietly before leaving the room.

Walking down the corridor to her room she felt so empty inside as if her happiness only a few hours before had suddenly never existed.

She collapsed on her bed as soon as she was free of her armor only wearing the body suit that went under the Paladins armor. She curled up on the bed her head angled to look at her hands laying on the bed. She moved them ever so slightly watching as her hand responded to the command her brain gave.

She sighed and rolled to lay on her back a hand resting on her stomach and one under her head. Allura made the wrong choice. Pidge knew she could never be a worthy diplomat and she accepted it with grace. She already ha something she was amazing at why did she need to do this as well?

Pidge sat up her legs dangling over the edge of the bed. She ran her hands through her hair as she sighed.

She actually pictured herself in a dress with heels. She pictured herself walking through the front door only to trip and fall flat on her face. She pictured herself saying the wrong thing and making the war even worse. She pictured as planets started refusing to join the coalition because of her.

"There's no way in the universe I'm stepping into that role," she said to herself.

AN: Thank you so much for everyone who reads this! If your interested for more of this let me know!!!!

She Chose You~[Shidge]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt