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Sitting up under a barely comfortable cot that was thinner than her patience with Lance, Pidge glanced around to find herself in a beat-up old shack. The entirety of the shack was one room with a small fire pit in the center of the dirt floor. Rising to her feet she crossed the room to a wall with a small window in the center of it. There were several hardly noticeable scratches along with a very long and dominant crack diagonally across the glass.

Upon looking out the window she had come to find that she was no longer in the city. The city was, in fact, several yards away from her, the lights from buildings that shone through the darkness confirmed that for her. The shack itself was settled high enough up on the mountain for her not to simply climb out of the window and head back to the Castle of Lions. Upon this realization, she became aware of a door opening behind her. She turned to find Oskana entering the space with a bag draped over her shoulder.

"Glad to see you awake," she said dropping the sack onto the counter. A loaf of bread and a couple of tighter wrapped packages tumbled from the tipped over sack. She knelt next to the firepit and began placing a few pieces of kindling inside.

"Why?" Pidge asked not moving from her spot next to the window. She didn't trust Oskana, not after everything's that's happened. She balled her hands at her side her eyes narrowing, "Why are you doing this?"

Oskana took her time responding, allowing the flames to catch on the kindling before adding larger pieces of wood. "I don't have to explain myself to you," She said her eyes reflecting the flames as they licked at the dry wood.

"Fine. Then I'm leaving," Pidge stated flatly. She moved from her position next to the window, crossing the small room to the door Oskana had entered moments before. She was just about to reach for the handle when out of nowhere she was suddenly staring at a dagger protruding from the door. Jumping back she whirled around to find Oskana settling back down next to the fire, this time with a couple of pieces of meat rotating on a stick over the fire.

"I wouldn't leave just yet," She says after a moment her eyes never leaving the fire. This was not the same person she had met at the diplomatic meeting. This wasn't the sweet girl that she had witnessed fangirling over her when she confirmed that she was the green paladin.

Pidge took one last look at the blade before crossing the room once again and sitting across from Oskana the fire between them. She stared so intently at the fire that Pidge was almost convinced that she was conversing with it telepathically. Which wouldn't be unexpected based on some things that she has seen.

After what seemed like forever she finally looked up, the pain that reflected in her eyes for a split second was immediately recognized by Pidge. She was only too familiar with the pain that she had seen in her own eyes when her brother and father had gone missing on the Kerberos mission. Before she had a chance to voice her thoughts Oskana jumped in her voice laced with a wave of anger that mimicked her own.

"You're going to stay here. The galra have already been contacted and they are on their way," she smirked the orange and yellow flames making it all the more sinister, "they were quite pleased when I told them that I had the green paladin held captive."

Pidge stared at her, shock and anger evident on her face as she took in what she was saying. She shifted slightly her legs itching to run out of the shack and back to the castle, but something told her to stay put and she was right to do so. Seconds later Oskana rose from her place and turned to set the meat down on a platter, when she turned back she held a pistol in her hand. The pistol was Olkari in design but had a few galra attributes to it.

Remaining as calm as she could Pidge simply stared back at her waiting for her next move. Oskana gestured with the weapon for her to rise, Pidge obliged keeping her hands raised by her head. Oskana approached a pair of cuffs in her free hand. She placed them firmly on Pidge's wrists pressing firmly as if she was trying to make it hurt.

"You don't have to do this," Pidge said barely above a whisper. It was slight, but she noticed Oskana hesitate the slightest, she recovered quickly by grabbing Pidge ruffly by the arm and spinning her to face the wall.

"Go sit down and don't try anything," she pressed the pistol against Pidge's lower back making sure she could feel it through her undersuit. Pidge did what she said without argument her only hope now was for her friends to notice her absence and come looking for her.

The Paladins were all gathered on the training deck, except for Pidge and Lance. Shiro was pacing, although he was doing to his best to make it look as casual as possible. The poor guy was panic-stricken, his eyebrows were furrowed in worry as he glanced at the door every so often. Pidge was never late for training, there was one time but that was when she had been sick and couldn't walk without feeling nauseous.

Finally, the doors opened, he turned to find the blue paladin entering his arms stretched far above his head in a stretch. Pidge was nowhere behind him and the thought that she might be sick again sent Shiro a step towards the door. That is until he heard the conversation going down between Hunk and Lance.

"Dude, Last night Pidge was acting weird," Lance said quietly.

"Why do you think that is?" Hunk asked.

"I have no idea. I never had the chance to ask before she left-"

Lance had barely gotten the words out before he found himself slammed against the wall, feet barely brushing the floor, one of Shiro's hands against his throat and his other pinning his right hand to the wall. The others jumped forward but stopped short when Lance waved them off with his free hand. Shiro was glaring at him like he would a galra officer and it scared him.

"Where is she?" he asked, his voice a low growl that sent a chill through Lance.

"I-I have no idea," he managed to gasp out, "I haven't seen her since last night."

"What were you two doing last night?"

The possessiveness that Lance picked up in Shiro's voice was frightening and he honestly was wishing he hadn't stepped into the training deck now. "As I said," he continued to say, taking a gasp for air as Shiro's hand loosened around his neck, "I have no idea, the last time I saw her she was disappearing down the hall in her armor. After that, I'm just as confused as you."

This seemed to convince Shiro enough and he released Lance who dropped to the floor gasping for air. Hunk approached only to have Lance wave him off as he rose back to his feet. By the time he did this, Shiro was halfway out the door.

"Tell Coran to pull the security footage up," he called back not bothering to look back to see if they heard.

She Chose You~[Shidge]Where stories live. Discover now