The Clearing

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It didn't take them long to find the entrance that had led to the hall, but nothing changed except the view on how they were viewing the damage.  Pidge glanced around her eyes following the entrance. The beautifully carved stone suddenly cut off showing instead torn up earth and building remains.

"What else could there be that the Olkari missed?" Lance asked walking back and forth down the hall. He for once had remained quiet as well as Shiro. It wasn't that difficult having them both near each other.

"I'm not sure," Pidge mumbled to herself. She wasn't even sure of what she was looking for exactly. Nothing seemed off about the other day that could lead her to believe that was the cause for the Galra attack. She turned away from the door heading down an unfamiliar hallway. Shiro and Lance remained behind continuing to look over things that have already been discovered. Pidge knew that they were missing something to the puzzle she just didn't know what.

Turning the corner she noticed that the hallway that used to be a dead-end was now wide open leading into the forest. Leaving her bag just inside she continued through the leaves and branches into the forest. 

Moments later she stumbled into a clearing. The clearing was littered with several sets of footprints all of them appearing to be the same ones. There were many other debris that could've drawn her attention, but none of them sent chills through her body like the mangled body off to the side of the clearing partly hidden by some bushes.

It had been shot several times by the way the face and chest were completely covered in dried blood and skin being torn off. To the side was a black bag tipped over onto its side.

This is terrible. Pidge thought kneeling to get a closer look. She reached to set the bag up and brush off the dirt. Not that it's going to matter since they are already dead. 

As the bag was set up right a small rectangular item fell out of the bag landing in the dirt. Muttering a curse about how she should be more careful she picked it up and brushed off the dirt only to drop it again when she saw what it was.

She picked it up again her heart racing. Fliping it over she looked over the identification card once again. It was the same tech guy that she and Oskana had run into before the meeting. She had felt something was off, but she hadn't given it much thought and now she was wishing she would have. 

A crack of a branch sounded behind her and she summoned her bayard. Without thinking she spun around up to her feet sending her grappling hook flying. Whoever it was, dove to the side. Her grappling hook ended up slicing through a tree across the clearing. ( I know in the show it probably couldn't but for this fanfic, it can ;) ) 

The cracking of a tree moments before it tipped could be heard echoed throughout the forest. Pidge looked up to see the canopy of a leave filled tree crashing towards her. She was frozen to the spot her eyes wide. Without warning, a body slammed into her. She felt strong arms wrap around her as they hit the ground. She let out a gasp as she felt a sudden weight on top of her.

Opening her eyes she saw Shiro above her his legs straddling her. Her face immediately went red and she tried to cover her face with her hands. Instead, she ended up smacking him in the face and he sat back on his knees his hand covering his nose.

"Oh my god Shiro! Are you okay?" Pidge Asked sitting up a hand covering her mouth in shock.

He waved his hand as he pulled his other one away from his nose. Seeing that there was no blood he shook his head, "That is one way to thank the person who kept you from being crushed by a tree."

"I didn't know it was you at first and then the tree and-" she reached a hand towards his face wanting to make sure that he was truly okay.

"Katie, it's okay," he replied laughing. His laughter brought warmth to Pidge that she knew she never wanted to leave. Her cider eyes met his as his steel eyes met hers. Time seemed to stop around them as they held each others gaze. Pidges fingers gently brushed the tip of his nose causing him to close his eyes. She then traced his scar that ran over the ridge of his nose. Opening his eyes Shiro gently enclosed her hand in his and lowered it from his face. He brought his free hand up to brush a strand of hair out of her face that she didn't notice until he tucked it behind her ear. Her lips were parted slightly wanting to say something, but not sure what.

"Hey, guys? what the hell happened out here?" Lance's voice rang out causing them both to leap apart. He leapt over the trunk of the tree landing in front of them. 

"I may of sort of thought Shiro was a Galra so I fired my Bayard at him and instead hit the tree..."

"Sort of or did?" Lance questioned looking back at the tree. 

"Did. Definitely did," Shiro answered giving her an amused look.


AN: WOW! I'm so thankful for all of you that have been reading this! I'm so glad you like it!

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