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Am I not Important?

Pidge stood there staring at the door that moments ago had just closed. It was a repeat from before. Shiro leaving before she had a chance to say anything and instead ignoring him. She didn't know what else to do!

Every time she wanted to say something to him about how she felt her stomach started to do flips and her throat was suddenly dry. It's not that she didn't want to tell him it's that she couldn't. She couldn't bring herself to say it, but now he knows thanks to Lance. Even if he knows she couldn't help but feel like things could never be the same.

She began to fiddle with her shirt before stopping suddenly. "What am I doing?" She gripped her hair with her hands, "this is just going to keep happening!"

Before she even had a chance to reconsider she was out the door. She ran to the end of the hallway looking left then right.

He mentioned something about Keith. Turning left she bolted down the hall. Narrowly avoiding running into Hunk who had Taj in his arms. She ignored his question as she regained her footing and sped off again.

She arrived in front of Keith's door out of breath. She only had to knock once before the door opened. Keith gave her one look and was about to open his mouth when she cut him off.

"Have you seen Shiro?"

"Was he not with you?" He asked raising an eyebrow in question.

"No he was and then he said something about talking to you and then he just left."

"You got to be kidding me. When I find him I'm gonna-"

"Keith! Focus! Do you know where he is?"

He thought for a moment, "usually during this time he goes to the bridge while it's empty."


"Yeah! He turns out the lights and looks out into space. Don't ask me why he does it, he just does." Keith replied a smirk on his face.

Pidge nodded, "Thanks Keith," she said before taking off.

Sighing Keith closed the door not turning around quite yet.

"I can't believe you just left her to come talk to me of all people!" He finally said whipping around.

"She's cute I forgot what I went there for and I panicked!! Can you blame me?" Shiro asked his hands raised in defense.

Shaking his head Keith approached, "I've just sent her to the best place in  the castle for someone to confess their feelings. Now, this is your last chance before I trap the both of you in a room and make you talk about it."

"Now how would you know that the bridge is the perfect spot for confessing ones love?" Shiro asked raising an eyebrow.

Keith looked away his face turning a bright red. He mumbled something into his hand.

"I'm sorry what was that?" 

"I'm may or may not have imagined me doing that exact thing..." he rubbed the back of his neck not quite meeting Shiro's gaze.

Shiro bit his lip trying to keep from chuckling.

"I'm allowed to have an imagination alright!" Keith yelled, "Now get out of here!" He pulled Shiro from his bed and out the door. "Don't screw this up!" was the last thing he said before slamming the door.

The walk to the bridge seemed longer than it really was. Shiro couldn't help but take deep shaking breaths as the doors came into sight.

It's now or never.

The doors opened and he walked through into a dark room. The windows were more defined in the darkness, the stars just beyond littering the sky. The crystal above was dimmed to a soft blue giving just the right amount of light. Shiro drew his attention back to the windows, the sight was captivating. The sight of a supernova in the distance completed the view by far, however there was one thing that even surpassed that.

sitting in the center of the room on the edge of what used to be where Allura stood, was Pidge. She sat with her arms stretched out behind her, head tilted to the side as she looked out.

Shiro approached, sitting down next to her he looked to the stars once again. This was truly one of his favorite moments. It truly reminded him of home, and that even if he wasn't stuck light years away, he knew that he would be doing the exact same thing. 

"How was your conversation with Keith?" Pidge asked suddenly not moving from her position.

Shiro opened his mouth to respond only to close it once more. He took a deep breath, "That's not why I'm here." He turned to face her, "Pidge there's something that I really need to tell you." he placed his hand on the back of his neck.

"yeah?" Pidge said sitting up. She tucked a strand of her short hair behind her ear. 

"I-I-" Shiro was having trouble forming sentences. The way the hazel met the speckled yellow within her eyes were out of this world throwing him of guard. Everything was perfect about this girl sitting before him and he was nothing compared to it. But he had a chance right? I mean he knew she feels the same, unless all the time he spent avoiding her had caused her to change her mind?

He looked down swallowing a big lump in his throat as his hand began to move unconsciously towards hers. He placed his on top, looking up in enough time to see a light blush dust her cheeks.

That's when his body went on autopilot and he was suddenly leaning forward. Their lips connected and it sent pleasurable chills through his body. He felt Pidge tense against his lips for a second before returning it. 

When they released each other from the kiss it a took a second for both of them to open their eyes. The kiss felt right like it was meant to be. Like they were always meant to be together and they were just now realizing it.

Shiro had placed his hand against her cheek while they were kissing and he left it there, running his thumb against her soft lips, his gaze flicking from her lips to her wide eyes, "I'm sorry," he said hoarsely, "I shouldn't have done that." 

Pidge began to shake her head and for a second he was worried that he had messed up. Then all of a sudden she was kissing him again.

She pulled away her eyes shinning with tears, "Don't be."


AN: Not the greatest at writing kiss scenes but hey, you've got to start somewhere am I right? ;)

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