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It wasn't long before the paladins figured out that Pidge had taken a late-night trip into the city. Lance was beyond upset that she hadn't told anyone where she was going, but instead up and left.

It was pointless for them to take their lions since they were so close to the city. Lance walked next to Keith with Hunk and Shiro in front. The two were a ways ahead and seemed to be in a serious conversation.

"Shiro seems to be ..." Lance started to say only to trail off as he looked for the right word.

"Protective." Keith said from his side, "He's always been. With me, then with Matt even before Kerberos, and now Pidge."

Lance glanced back up at their leader a new light shining around him. He was no longer someone who he could use to get laughs from, but instead, someone who needed respect. He was risking his life alongside them. Not only was he fighting a war but was protecting each of them as well. He had been wrong before it wasn't possessiveness, but the protectiveness. Something that you would only find in family, close friends, and even lovers in some cases.

Clearing his throat he ran to catch up to Shiro and Hunk. By this time they were nearing the city. Both yellow and black paladins were scanning the horizon for potential incoming threats. Upon his approach, Shiro turned to acknowledge him.

Lance had his lips parted, his mouth ready to say something when shouts sounded from the city. The paladins broke into a run. Dashing through the streets they soon reached the town square. Where a group of Olkari gathered in a large group yelling and shouting at whoever was in the middle.

Shiro approached and began to shove his way into the crowd, only to get pushed back to the outside ring of people. No one was paying attention. At one point Hunk had to grab a child from the ground to keep the rioting adults from trampling them.

Activating his bayard Lance aimed the weapon into the air and fired. The shot sent everyone to the ground hands over their ears. A few children burst into tears their cries heard in the silence.

"I don't know what is going on out here," Shiro began his voice projecting over the crowd, "But-"

Out of the blue, the ground shook beneath them and a building behind burst into flames. The wave of heat knocked Lance and Shiro to their knees. Hunk and Keith who had been on the other side of the crowd rushed forward to help them up.

All at once the crowd roared with disbelief and hatred, one voice sounded above all the others. "He destroyed the orphanage!!!!! Get them!!!!!" The crowd surged forward. They overwhelmed the paladins, forcing them to lay face down on the ground.

Between the legs of the citizens. Shiro watched as a caped figure ran from an alleyway and disappeared back into the forest. He attempted a struggle against the hands that pinned his arms to his back. In response, his arms dug deeper into his armor.

One by one the paladins rose to their feet before being lead in a line deeper into the city. Yet, in the opposite direction, Shiro had seen the figure run to. He was certain that the figure was behind the building explosion. He glanced over at the others who seemed to have noticed the figure running back into the forest.

Pidge was still sitting against the wall, she hadn't moved in several hours. Every time she shifted to get into a better position Oskana made sure she knew that she was still watching.

Speaking of Oskana she had, moments, after Pidge had sat against the wall, had pulled a tin. Screwing the cap off she had thrown her head back taking a large swig.

"You know why I'm doing this?" she asked after swallowing.

Pidge remained silent. She knew enough that she didn't need to respond for her to continue. she didn't want to say anything as she was beyond ready to knock this girl clear to the next universe. Forget the sweet girl she had met before, this was someone completely different.

"It started with my brother and mother. They volunteered along with a few others, to travel to a neighboring planet. It had been recently attacked by the Galra. They were part of the relief effort to help them recover." She took a small sip, adjusted the gun in her hand, then took another drink. "A few weeks after they left my father received a message from the Galra, they were blackmailing him. He was breaking the law yes but most of all he was keeping my family alive....." She trailed off swirling the contents in the tin. "And now that he's dead, I will keep on helping the Galra until my mother and brother return to me." she set the tin down on the counter before glancing out the window.

The sun was high in the sky with not a cloud in the sky. "Well will you look at that..." she turned to face Pidge once again, "Looks like my friend was successful."

Before Pidge had a chance to even ask what she meant a second person ran into the shack a grin wide on their face. "Man you should've seen the crowd go completely crazy on the paladins! It was amazing!"

He didn't have to finish before Pidge felt her stomach drop and her heart to start racing. Oskana seemed to notice and smiled gesturing for her friend to take notice.

"You seem to be looking a little pale there."

Pidge didn't know how to respond.

"I didn't want to take the chance for your friends to find you. So I took the liberty of making sure that they became reoccupied with a situation of their own. Cause if they somehow got here before I was able to hand you over to the Galra that wouldn't be very good on my end. And we wouldn't want that now would we?"

She Chose You~[Shidge]Where stories live. Discover now