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Pidge could hardly wait to leave Lance and Shiro. The tension was so thick she could practically taste it, and somehow she knew that she was the cause of all of it, even though she wanted no part in whatever drama was between them. Shaking her head she said a quick goodbye to Coran and darted down the next hallway they came too.

The door to her lab slid open, the lights flicking on as she walked in. Making her way through the mess of scattered parts she made it to the practically empty desk in the center of the room. Something was still bothering her. The Galra did show up yes, but who planted the bomb? They surely wouldn't have been missed if they just walked through the front door. Opening her laptop she pulled a file up that showed the layout of the building. According to the blueprint she had there should have been a security camera inside the room and one just outside the door. So now the question was how she was going to acquire the footage. With the entire room destroyed the only way she would be able to get the footage was if they recorded it onto another device.

Closing her laptop she rested her head on her hands deep in thought. With so little to go on, she had no idea who would've had access to the room before the meeting. She pushed back from the desk rolling out into the center of the room. She tilted her head back so she was looking up at the ceiling. The light grey that colored the room captivated her as her feet automatically twisted the chair in circles.

She could still see the flash of annoyance that crossed Shiro's face when Lance placed his arm around her pulling her close. She didn't understand why he seemed so upset they were just friends, nothing more. I mean her and Lance had always been closer than most friends but that never stopped her from liking someone else. Lance had always seemed to have his eye on one person or another anyway. I mean they were friends, friends that sometimes used each other as a significant other when they wanted to let another person down gently, but that rarely happened.

The door to her lab opened tilting her head up to see who it was. Seeing that it was Keith she returned to her previous position. As long as it wasn't Lance or Shiro or both, she shuddered. She could handle Keith as long as he had nothing to do with the drama between the blue and black paladins.

"Hey Keith," she called out her voice distracted as she kept her eyes trained on the ceiling.

Keith situated himself on her desk before he responded, "I guess you've seen them too?"

Pidge sat up her interest peaked. "If you're referring to the drama queens then, yes I have. I made the mistake of approaching them in the hallway."

"Oh? how'd that go?" 

"I felt like a was suffocating the tension was so thick, and..." she trailed off. The thought crossed her mind once before and it made sense in her head, but saying it out loud just seemed wrong.

"And?" Keith prompted her helping her to continue her thought.

She shook her head, "Nevermind."

"What are you doing here anyway? Besides the whole staring at the ceiling thing." He looked up at the ceiling tracing the lines with his eyes.

"Keith, this is my lab. I could be doing several things, but since you asked-" she rolled back over to the desk opening her laptop- "I was looking at the blueprints of the building the Galra decided to flatten and noticed where a few of the security cameras were placed. So now I just need to figure out how I can get my hands on some of that footage."

"Maybe we could talk to the Olkari?" 

"Maybe. But wouldn't it be too soon? I mean it's only hours after the-"

Pidge is cut off from Hunk bursting into the room. He's out of breath as he runs frantically from one side of the room to the other. Eyes wide as he searches behind boxes.

"Hunk? What are you looking for?" Pidge asked tilting her head to the side.

He didn't bother to look at them as he responded, rather paying attention to the pile of containers stacked in the corner. "Small Olkari....woke up...Not there...Nor here...god, where is he?" He spun around hands gripping his hair.

"Hunk, it's okay will find him," Pidge responded getting up from the chair, " This is a new place to him he's probably somewhere on the castle."

"Yeah, somewhere that's cold and dark and-Oh god what have I done?" he covered his mouth with his hands before smacking himself in the forehead, "What if I killed him? The one time I helped watch a victim and he's missing!" he sank to his knees his face paling, "I'm not worthy to be a paladin!!!!" he cried out his voice filling with despair.

"Hunk calm down, you're overacting," Pidge replied placing a hand on his shoulder, "When we find him you'll see that he's perfectly fine. She glanced over at Keith hoping to gain some support to help their distraught friend.

"Y-Yeah, you'll see. He probably just got curious and wondered off. there's no harm in exploring a bit now is there?" Keith asked shrugging when Pidge gave him a weird look.

"No, I guess not," Hunk sniffed, "I just freaked out when I woke up and saw that he was nowhere in the room." Pidge patted his shoulder.

Sound from the intercom caused all three to turn their heads.

"Now listen here! I told you not to touch anything!"  Coran's voice could be heard rising an octave as he warned the intruder again, "Young man what did I tell you!" 

A crash sounded. A groan from Coran, then laughter fading from the room. "You get back here you little twerp and clean up the mess you created!"

The intercom clicked off and the three Paladins burst into laughter.

She Chose You~[Shidge]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora