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"Thank you so much," Shiro said before turning and walking away from a small cafe. It had been almost two hours and it didn't look like the meeting was going to end soon. So the other paladins and he had made themselves comfortable on one side of the room.

"How much longer?" Lance groaned from his spot on the floor.  Almost immediately after the room had cleared of ambassadors and helpers he had sprawled on the floor, throwing an arm over his head.

"They'll get done when they get done," Shiro replied taking a sip from his cup. He wasn't quite sure what the light blue liquid was, but it was really sweet.

Suddenly there was a crash and the whole building shuddered from it. The paladins looked at each other with worried expressions. 

Movement from the hallway Pidge had disappeared down earlier caught their attention. The Olkari had an empty tray in hand as they sprinted across the room eyes wide. Without a second thought, the paladins jumped up and raced towards the hall.

As they came closer Shiro was able to hear screaming and what sounded like rain. Just hearing the noise caused his chest to tighten and his stomach to drop. He looked back at the others who had the same concealed panic on their faces.


A ringing sound filled Pidge's ears as she struggled to sit up. The explosion had knocked her forward, causing her to land with her facing the ground. The room around her was in complete chaos with people running around screaming, Those who couldn't be were either trapped under rubble crying or were as still as the rubble that covered them.

Groaning she brought herself to her feet. She was a little unsteady as she took a few steps forward holding her hands out for support. A layer of dirt rained down from above. She looked up blinking the dirt out of her eyes. 

She found a gaping hole in the ceiling drawing in the blazing sun. How did the room become so destroyed if there was only the one bomb?" she asked herself, And how am I not dead? She thought as she passed a fellow diplomat Who had been crushed under the rubble. She felt herself freeze at the sight. The mangled body covered in their blood caused her stomach to turn and she had to force herself to look away.

She made her way to the door climbing over rumble when necessary. Her dress had been ripped diagonally across. It started on her left side about mid-thigh and ending mid-calf on her right.

Sliding down a large piece of the ceiling she noticed that she was missing her shoes. She hadn't notice until this moment, but there was nothing she could do about it now. Once she reached the bottom she steadied herself. 

Pidge made her way around a large piece of the ceiling her eyes focused on the door just beyond the rubble. That door was her exit if she could get to it she could find the others and get help for those who survived the attack. 

Screams more intense then the ones she had grown accustomed to caused her to turn to look behind her. Several figures were fleeing through the hole in the side of the building. Most of them were running from one specific side of the building. 

A blast that sent more of the building crumbling to the ground froze her to the spot. Forcing herself into movement only by the rush of adrenaline that filled her veins, Pidge wedged herself in between to large slabs of rubble pressing herself as far back as she could get.

Several Galra sentries ran past blasters poised to shoot anything on sight. They veered away from the door continuing along the perimeter of the large room.  Pidge sank into the narrow space between the two slabs in relief, her body visibly losing the tension that had built up in her muscles. There was the sound of a ship taking off in the distance, as she closed her eyes her body exhausted and weak.

She hardly registered the sound of the door opening and then closing. Only when she heard the sound of familiar voices did she force her eyes open. 

Pidge watched from her hiding spot as Keith followed by Lance entered the room. A few moments later Hunk entered followed by Shiro. Summoning the last of her strength she made it to her feet, limping out into the open.

"Shiro," she heard her voice say hoarsely. Shiro turned around catching sight of her almost immediately. She watched his face fill with relief as he turned to the others to get their attention. Coming to her side she allowed herself to lean into him as her legs gave out. Without hesitation, he scooped her up. The pain she hadn't felt before flooded her body and she let out a cry her face screwing up in pain. 

"It's going to be okay," Shiro said softly his voice calming as a soft breeze. 

"Keith, Lance, and Hunk, I'm going to take Pidge back to the castle. Do a quick perimeter check and make sure that the Galra we saw leave was the only Galra that were here," Shiro said with a slight edge to his voice.

Pidge closed her eyes as Shiro's steps became steady and consistent. She rested her head against his shoulder willing for the pain to leave.

They had just entered the castle's medbay when another series of explosions littered the surface of the planet. Starting in the main city and spanning outwards to the forest. Pidge heard Shiro's comms crackle to life before dying away. His face darkened as he set her gently on a bed before turning to leave the room.

"S-" she opened her mouth to call out to him only to close it when he turned to face her.

"I'll be back. You stay right here and allow Coran to get you into a pod."

Once again she opened her mouth to protest. They needed her out there hurt or not.

"Promise me," he said firmly cutting off any chance for an argument.

"I Promise."

With that, he turned and the med bay's doors closed behind him. 

She Chose You~[Shidge]Where stories live. Discover now