"No one gets to kill you but me" | York x Mass (they aren't brothers)

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Hey this fic is where York and Mass aren't brother's, and are shipped together, so of you don't like that, here's the uh...warning? I guess?

Low-key wanna make an animated version of this-


Tw: death, blood, guns, mentions of fire

It's odd, the things you remember when watching someone die.

Mass was running, his feet pounding on the uneven ground. Over piles of wreckage and past what was likely bodies. Of who, he couldn't tell. There wasn't any time to check them right now. He had to find him.

Small things, that were so normal before, and you realize just how much you've taken for granted.

He trips over what might have once been a pipe as he tries to jump up to a piece of wall, hands flying out and connecting harshly with the ground. Pain pricked his palms.

As well as just how easily, those things can be taken away.

He winces, pulling himself to his feet and brushing his hands off on his pants. Then he hears it.


A shrill, panicked cry, desperate, and so very tired.

The way his face lit up looking at the stars, or watching a game his team was winning.


He's running again, towards the source of the voice.

The way he'd roll his eyes at a dumb joke, pretending not to like it.


It sounded strained, like every shout took more energy the he had.

How his lip quivered, before he finally let himself cry infront of Mass for the first time. The way he hugged him so tightly, burying his face in Mass's chest.

Mass kept going. His lungs burned and his legs were heavy. Adrenaline was the only thing keeping him moving. He couldn't stop. Not now. He was so close.

Or if a restaurant had pizza, he had to order it to see how it compared to his own.

"YORK!" His voice cracked.


The voice was so close. He had almost found him! The enemy was probably closing in but that didn't matter. They had time. He just- he just had to find York. He'd regroup with the others later.

Listening to Mass ramble on and on about things, and in turn doing the same when Mass had finished.

In the distance, he could see a figure crawl over a pile of wreckage. Mass's vision had started to blur, but he could tell it was vaugely York shaped.


There was one memory, in particular, that stuck out among the rest.


It was then his body decided to force him to stop. He leaned on some rubble, gasping for breath, smiling ear to ear. He found him! York was ok, and soon to be safe! They just had to make it out.

Mass willed his exausted body to move. Every second counted and he was so close..

The dying sunlight had cast a soft orange glow on York's features, and Mass, despite having dated him for a while, felt his breath being taken by this angel. A comfort in the dark room.

York was running towards him. He would have been hard to make out if not for the glow of the fires that had broken out amid the destruction. They illuminated his path well.

Soon he would have York again and everything would be right in the world.

It was so quiet then..

A loud ringing filled his ears. York, halfway to him, paused, clutching his shoulder.

It takes a second for Mass to realize what that ringing had been. Gunshots. His eyes widen, his legs finally deciding to work and he breaks out into a run, a cry escaping his lips. York had to be ok- he couldn't-

Unfortunately, the will of some god, the universe, or whatever enemy had found them, that was not the case. It forced him to break the promise he had made long ago to York.

The other states body twitched as it was riddled with bullets. The enemy had waited just until Mass could almost reach him. So close to being able to protect him.

York, he decided, was the one. The one he wanted to marry, to stay with, and to love, for as long as be could

As York went down, time seemed to slow. Mass had finally reached him. He crouched, surveying the damage. This...couldn't be it! He...he had to survive they were going to get married and-

York looks at him, eyes full of sadness "Hey.."

Nononono you gotta-"

"..I won't.."

Mass sniffles. He didn't want to accept it, there had to be a way-

Mass had cupped his cheek, smiling.

York slowly reached down and brought Mass's bloody hand up to his cheek, smiling. There was a grim acceptance on his face, in his voice.

"I love you York"

"I love you Massy"

Mass's hands shook "There's...we have to get to the other's they have medical they-"

"You know it's too late"

"I promised!"

York smiled back "I love you too baby"

Mass pulls him closer, kissing him "Remember, no one gets to kill you but me"

"N…...no one gets to kill you but me" his voice cracks and he chokes out a sob

"I know baby but promises...they can't all be kept…"

York chuckled "Yeah yeah, I know"


"I'll miss you" York squeezed his hand, giving him one last sad smile, and then his eyes went dark.

Mass screamed. He screamed until his lungs went hoarse. For York, whose life got cut short,for all the suffering they had been put through, and for promises that were supposed to be kept. He screamed until there was nothing left of him but an empty shell. He didn't care who heard. Or if he got shot for it, but the enemy, once again proving it's cruelness, left him be.

Finally, when he had nothing left, he let the exaustion overtake him, and he laid down, next to York.

The others would probably never find him, having run away in the opposite direction. They weren't coming back. If only he hadn't stopped..

He was an idiot, and all alone.

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