Witch Doctor

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That is until, a boy walked back into my life. The billionaire playboy made a move for my heart, and he won it fair and square. I must admit, it was kind of hard not to say yes to a dinner date with Bruce Wayne, because he's Bruce Wayne, and the fact that he was paying.

"Catrina." Bruce called, from the edge of the parking lot.

"Oh, hi Bruce." I said, swinging my car keys left and right like a pendulum.

"I wanted to ask you something." He said, his voice lowering. I had to walk closer to him, he looked down and scuffed his shiny black shoes on the light colored pavement. he shoved his hands in his pockets and hunched his shoulders.

"Yeah." I asked briskly, not expecting anything big.

"There's a tasting for a restaurant downtown, and I was wondering if you wanted to come?" He inquired, he looked up. His green eyes glistening.

"Sure! That sounds fun!" I agreed happily. Did that actually just happen? Like, seriously? Did I just get asked out by a guy? Because, if it did, someone slap me, pinch me, or dump an ice bucket over my head because I must be dreaming.

"Cool! I'll call you later then?" He inquired, I nodded and he smiled widely, showing off his brilliant white teeth. I could have melted right then and there.

"Yeah," I said sheepishly. I stared at him, for a moment still kind of baffled. Was it finally my time to fall in love? Yeah, probably.


He picked me up in a limo. A limo.

"Hey." He greeted, after I answered the door. My brother tailing behind me.

"You're picking her up in a limo?" Dean asked, my father then came to the door.

"Who's here, Cat?" Dad asked, spotting the limo. "Limo?!" He said to Bruce, who nodded. Bruce was becoming red, I could see his face through the dim light from inside.

"Come on in, Bruce." My Mom called, from the kitchen. Bruce stepped in the doorway, and the way my family fawned over him embarrassed me. They asked him where we were going, and all he would said is 'out to dinner.' He was dressed in a white t'shirt and dark jeans, when he called me last week, after he asked me to come with him he told me that this was a casual evening. So, I was dressed in a Saved by the Bell t'shirt and jeans. I was wearing a thin jacket and black ankle boots.

"So, Bruce Wayne wants to take out my daughter?" My Dad chimed, shaking his head, patting me on the shoulder.

"Yes, sir." Bruce confirmed, shifting his weight from right to left. He was uncomfortable.

"I can't believe you want to go out with my sister." Dean laughed. Dad elbowed him in the side and Dean called out. "Hey!"

"Be nice." Mom hissed in his ear. Dean rolled his eyes and stared outside at the limousine. "So, you kids have fun!" My Mom said.

"I want her home at a decent hour, before midnight." My Dad ordered, pointing a political finger at him. (Pointing with the knuckle not the finger.) Bruce nodded and moved back towards the open doorway. He and I made eye contact and he nodded, signaling that we could leave.

"I'll see you guys later." I waved goodbye, and walked out of the door following Bruce to the limo.

"I was expecting to be grilled." Bruce teased,

"Don't worry, I will be." I half laughed, and we bumped into each other. I have to admit, that I can't walk in a straight line. "Oops, sorry."

"No worries." He said, opening the limo door. I climbed in and sat in the back. Bruce climbed in after me, he scootched down the window so he could speak to the driver. "Let's go, Alfred." The limo started up and we pulled away. I watched my Mom and Dad from the window. They were standing in the doorway, my father's arm around my Mom.

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