Hal Jordan

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Being in a big city, with a large number of people means that there are many new students all the time. Today, there is a new boy, I haven't seen him yet, but he is all everyone can talk about. I haven't heard his name, but I heard that he is handsome. I picture him, to look similar to Bruce, but with blonde hair and blue eyes. Those facts provided to me by friends of mine. Bruce leaned up against the locker next to mine, and sighed.

“I don't want to leave you, I don't wanna go to Switzerland.”

“Okay, then I’ll go for you.” I said, closing my locker. I turned and started walking down the hallway. I was holding all my books with both hands, but I could feel Bruce trying to hold me close. “Don't do that, I can't walk with you trying to hug me.” I said, annoyed. I like this kid, don't get me wrong. But it’s annoying when he’s trying to touch me all the time, just calm your penis and walk next to me.

“Sorry,” he said, “have you met the new kid yet?” He asked

“No, but I’ve heard about him enough.” I said, a bit annoyed that he was again the subject of conversation.

“I met him, his name is Hal. He’s going to sit with us at lunch. Is that all right?”

“Finally, I get to smell the fresh meat.” I growled.


But, hot damn was I wrong. He was the guy that I met at Oliver Queens fundraiser.

“Hal?” I asked, when I sat down at the lunch table.

“Catrina?” He asked, smiling. His crows feet wrinkled around his eyes, making him squint a bit while his smile widened. “I was wondering when I would run into you.” He said, patting the seat next to me.

“So, how are you liking it here so far?”

“It’s not that bad, I still have to sit through English and Math. Then I’m going home and eating three bags of chips, and two Quarter Pounders.”

“Wow, no homework?”

“I don't have any.” He said taking a bite of his school issued pizza.

“You will.”

“I just hope I’m not lost in Math, we were doing circles and stuff when I left my other school.”

“We are behind you then, circles are next chapter.” I said, taking a bite of my yogurt. Bruce joined us at the table,

“Are you gonna come over tomorrow?” He asked Hal, who nodded with a big bite in his mouth. “Good.”




“Was I wrong about Math or what?” Hal was saying, at the lunch table the next day.”It’s like, I forgot everything that I learned all year so far.”

“I’ll help you if you want.” I offered, he nodded.

“That would be great!” He said, Bruce nodded and listened.

“Why don't we meet in the library before school, or after. Whichever works for you.” I said, he nodded .

“Before school would work, what time does the library open?”

“I think it opens at six.” I said.

“I’ll meet you then.”




Bruce was leaving the next day, he and I were together and I was laying on his bed watching him pack his clothing.

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