Chapter 3: OMG!

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I opened the door and suddenly a burst of confetti and many balloons were on the floor.
I looked up and saw my dad!

Y/N: OMG!  Dad! I shouted surprised. I ran towards him and gave a tight hug.

Dad: Hey princess! How have you been? How's your studies?

Y/N: Dad! Why is the first thing you ask me about is studies? I pouted.

Dad: No my first question was how have you been? He teased me and tickled me.
I laughed hard since tickling was my weak thing I can't control.

We had dinner changed into our pajamas, watched a movie, played games, talked about how we were and then went up to sleep. My dad came in to say goodnight.

Dad: Goodnight princess. Sleep tight. He had that sweet smile he always had.

Y/N: Night dad!

He tucked me in and was about to go but stopped infront of the door.

Y/N: What is it dad?

Dad: I heard from mom that you will be going to holiday study the coming week.

Y/N: Oh, ya I am sadly.

Dad: Well better get your grades up or you will stay in the same year.

He came to me and kissed me on the head, switched off the lights and went out.

(Next day)

It was the weekend finally but I didn't make any plans so I just relaxed and watched some TV.

Mom: Y/N!

Y/N: Ya mom!

Mom: Me and dad will be out shopping, do you want to come?

Y/N: No mom, I'll stay.

Mom: OK, do you want anything?

Y/N: Could I have a biscuits packet please? The one I always have. I begged her for oreo since it was my favourite biscuit.

Mom: Oreo right? Fine

Y/N: Thanks mom! I hugged her then went back to watching TV.

Mom: Also don't forget to pack for the study.

Y/N: Ughh fine mom! I moaned then continued watching TV.

Mom left with dad so I was home alone. I switched off the TV and went to pack. I was kinda excited since Yeri said she was coming to but at the same time I felt it will be very, I mean VERY boring. I decided to go out for some time so I got my phone and earphones and headed out. I locked the door and kept the key in my pocket. I walked along the street with my earphones in my ear and sang my favourite song from Stray Kids 'Back door'. Suddenly I bumped into someone and felt on to the ground.

Y/N: Ow! I looked at my knees and there was a small scratch.

?: Oh! I'm really sorry, are you okay?

The person gave its hand to help me up but I just pushed it away and got up on my own.

?: Are you okay? He/she asked again.

I looked at the person and it was a boy. I told him I was okay then was about to leave when he caught my wrist.

Y/N: What is it? Let go! I struggled to get out of his grip but he held tight.

?: Well I am Kang Yeosang and I'm really sorry. Are you sure you're okay?

Y/N: Oh...I-I'm fine. Can you p-please let go, you're hurting me.

Yeosang: Oh sorry. He let go and then we just stared at each other.

He is really handsome and I could see his eyes sparkle and he looked cute. (Cut out of it Y/N)

Y/N: Umm... well I'm Y/N. I held my hand out to shake his. He held his out and we shook hands.

Suddenly he just pulled me to a store nearby and sat me down.

Yeosang: Stay here, don't move.

He went into the store. I was kind of confused to what he was doing. He came back with a box of band aid.
While he put it on in my head I was thinking, omg he also looks handsome while putting on a band aid.

Yeosang: Well here you go, it will stop bleeding. He smiled and looked at me.

Y/N: Oh, t-thanks. I could feel my cheeks turning red.

Yeosang: Sorry I wish I could talk more but I have to go.

Y/N: Oh its OK you can go on.

Yeosang: Bye! He waved at me and dashed of.

I got up and headed home. I opened the door and didn't realise mom and dad were back.

Mom: Y/N! There you are! I was worried you got kidnapped!

Y/N: I'm okay mom I just went out for a walk.

Dad: What happened to your knee?

I want to keep Yeosang a secret for now so I just said I tripped.

Dad: Ok, but be careful next time. Then he showed a oreo box from the bag and I jumped excitedly and took one packet.

I changed into my pj early today and did my homework that I forgot and ate dinner. There was noodles for dinner. Yummy! Then we watched a movie then went to sleep.


Here is the 3rd chapter. Comment if you like it or maybe change something and suggest something else.


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