Chapter 15: Bully

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It was a new week and two weeks past since we had the prom and it's June! Almost school is over. I woke up to the loud ring and drew the curtains to the bright sun. I suddenly got a text from Yeosang. I checked it and he said he won't be coming today cause he is sick. Oh no I hope he is alright? I will check on him after school.
I packed and went down, said bye to my brothers and parents and kissed them on the cheek and left on my cycle.

As I reached school there was a big crowd in the cafeteria. I went to see what it was all about. I couldn't see so I asked a student next to me. She said that Kim Sol and her friends are back.

My eyes widened...

Oh no


Kim Sol: Yah! Where were you yesterday? We looked over.

Y/N: S-sorry I-I was sick so I didn't c-come.

Yoon Somin: Lie! She is trying to avoid us.

Y/N: N-No I'm no-

Suddenly Sol kicked my leg and I fell down. Then they poured milk on me and pushed me. Then left. I always came home dirty and my family would always be worried but I had to lie that I just fell down. I really wanted to tell the truth but if I did they would hurt my family and I didn't want that.


My eyes met hers and she got up and walked to me. I hesitated, I didn't know what to do. But if I tried to run away it would catch more attention. So I just stood there still.

Sol: Long time no see, Y/N. She had that evil smile when ever she looked at me.

Y/N: Uh... Hi

Sol: I heard you have a boyfriend, where is he?

Y/N: Oh... uh... he couldn't come to school.

Sol: Why? Because you scared him away? They laughed and walked away.

I was angry but I didn't think before I spoke and shouted 'NO!'. Sol turned around and walked to me then she whispered in my ear.

Sol: Meet me same place. At the end of the day. Then went.

I dont know what I was thinking but now I have changed and that was 2 years ago and I'm brave now so I said OK and went to class. The school day went by and it was the end. Honestly I was kind of nervous but since she said she wanted to meet me, I will go.

Sol: Oh you're here? Didn't expect you to come?

Y/N: What do you want? Tell fast I need to go.

Sol: Oh so you're in a rush, where? To your boyfriend. She teased me and she and Somin laughed.

I was about to leave but Sol took my wrist and held it tight and pushed me against the wall.

Sol: I'm not finished. Don't think you can get away. You will NEVER live freely. Not till you pay me back.

Y/N: Wha- I did.

Somin: You think you are so high and think you are free but no, now that I'm back you will go back to your miserable life 2 years ago.

Y/N: SHUT UP! And I ran away out of school till my neighbours house.

I straightened myself making sure Yeosang doesn't see this or he will be worried. I walked to his house and rand the door bell. Seonghwa opened the door and let me in. He told me Yeosang is upstairs and I went up. I knocked on his door and I went in.

Yeosang: Y/N? What are you doing here?

Y/N: To see how you are of course what else? I smiled and was about to hug him but he backed away.

Yeosang: I don't want you to be sick cause of me. So safe distance.

I chuckled and placed the flowers I bought for him on his side table. I thought of staying in his house since the next day was the weekend. I asked my mom and she said yes, I asked Yeonie's mom and she also said yes but to make sure to not stay to close. I took care of him and we talked for hours and hours and I fed him soup, he didn't like it but since I was feeding him, he would take it. Then we were just sitting and listening to slow music. Slowly Yeosang fell asleep and slowly I fell asleep, my hands in Yeosang's.


Here is the 15th chapter! Hope u like it! Sorry if I don't update often, I'll try to update again soon! Till next time!


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