Chapter 2

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Elsa's POV

I can't believe the person I hate is Punzie's friend. Ugh sometimes he is just-ugh. I walked to my room. I promised to hide my anger from everyone. I have so much anger that I need to let it out. I went inside my place I'm staying at the agency. It looked like a big house. It had 2 floors. On the first floor it had a living room, office, and big kitchen. Upstairs has 2 bedrooms and bathrooms. It was nice. Then what Pitch did to my parents came in my mind. I got mad and started throwing things around. Then everything turned red. I couldn't hear anything. All I heard was the things breaking. I was punching things. Throwing knives at the wall or just spoons, cups, and vases.

Punzie's POV

We were running to Elsa place. When we got there we heard things being thrown. I knocked on the door, but Elsa didn't answer. The boys are trying to break the door down. "What do you think is happening in there," Astrid asks. "Who knows," I say. Then the boys broke down the doors. We got in and all of our eyes grew wide. Everything was trashed. Knives were on the wall and glass all over the floor, but we didn't see Elsa. We then hear things being thrown upstairs. We went upstairs ready to find the source of this. When we got there we saw Elsa. She was the one throwing things around. Her eyes were red when she turned to us. She had a knife in her hand and threw it at the wall behind me.

"Elsa," I shout. She didn't respond. "Elsa," I shout louder. She just kept on throwing things. I then started shaking her. Then she stopped throwing things and she calmed down. Her eyes went back to her normal icy blue eyes. "How long have you guys been here," Elsa asks. "Um for a couple of minutes," Kristoff asks. "Elsa why were you doing this," I ask. "All I know is that when I get mad I can't control my anger," Elsa says pulling a knife out of the wall. Elsa then walks downstairs. We just followed her. We go to the couch and see Elsa lost in space. "Ugh I can't think in a dress," she says getting up and taking off her heels. She then walks upstairs leaving us down stairs.

"What was that about," Astrid asks.
"Who knows," I say.

While we were waiting, people came in and were cleaning the glass. I just took the knives off the walls and put them away. Then Elsa came down. Her hair was down. Her hair is wavy and the color is platinum blonde. She was wearing a white crop top and ripped jeans. She just jumped on the couch and sat there.

"You guys need something," she asks. "Um can we hang with you," Hiccup asks. "Okay," she says. "Elsa what were you thinking about," I ask. "A song my mom and dad used to sing," she says. "Used to," Flynn asks. "There dead," she says. "How old were you and Anna," Hiccup asks. "I was 12 and Anna was 10. I took care of her. Since I wanted her to live a good life. I didn't finish my senior year, so I can work at my parents' business and let Anna finish," she says. "Um sorry if this is too much to ask, but who killed your parents," Astrid asks. She just looked up. "Pitch Black and Hans Isle," Elsa says clenching her teeth. We all just gasp.

Elsa's POV

When I told them that who killed my parents they all gasped even Jack. "I swore to myself that I would find them and kill them," I say. "Do you know why," Jack asks. "It was something to do with me. I think," I say. I then get a flashback.


We live in a mansion. Mom and dad were in their office working on one of their new collections while me and Anna were playing hide-and-go-seek. "Anna I'm going to find you," I say. I then hear giggling in the closet where we put all our coats in. I opened it and I found Anna. "Found you," I say. "Aw. Lets play again," she says. Then we hear a scream. "Sis what is that," she asked terrified. "Anna stay here. Can you do that for me," I ask. "Okay," she says going back in and closing the door. I run to the kitchen and grab a knife. When I got there the maids weren't there. I heard the scream in mom and dad's office. I started walking there and then I opened the door. I then saw a man in all black. "Mom, dad," I say running to them. "Aw, so this is Elsa," Pitch says. "Don't hurt her Pitch," mom shouts. So his name is Pitch, what a weird name.

"I won't," he says walking to me. "What's going on," I ask. "Well you see you have something special in you to help me," he says. "I would never help you," I say. "Please don't take her yet. She has a sister. Once she is older you can take her," my dad says. "Fine by me," he says. Then he fired which killed my parents and he left. "No don't leave me," I shout. "Elsa take care of your sister promise," mom says. I was just crying. "Okay mommy," I say while crying. "And remember," my dad says. "We love you and your sister," mom and dad says in unison and then they died.

*End of Flashback*

"Elsa you okay," Astrid asks. "Yeah," I say. "You sure," Jack asks. We're nice now. Fine I would be nice to. "Yeah," I say with a fake smile. "Well time for you guys to go," I say pushing them out the door. "Okay," Punzie says. "Bye," they all say. Once they were out I just slammed the door shut. I go to my bed and go to sleep.

Jack's POV

Why am I even trying to be nice to her? Like really. She isn't even trying to be nice. Ugh screw her. "Hey Jack," Hiccup asks. "Hmm," I say. "You're going to sleep," Hiccup asks. "Like duh," I say. "Oh okay. Night," he says walking to his place. "Night," I say going in mine. I never lock my doors because I know people would never step foot in my place. They are scared of me. I only show my soft side with my friends. They call us the Big 6. When I'm with other people I show them my cold hearted side. I go on missions on my own, but sometimes I go with them. But, that is really rare.

I go to the kitchen and I see the lights on. Who the hell would step foot in my place. I grab my gun out ready to shoot anyone in the kitchen. When I get there I see Mia. I put my gun down. "How the hell did you get in," I ask. "You never lock your doors," she says jumping off the counter. "You need something," I ask. I have one night stands with her, but only when I'm stressed out. She is desperate for love, but I'm not. She knows that she can not get caught when she comes in here. "Yeah you," she says grabbing onto my tie and dragging me to my room. When has she been acting like this?

When we finished. She got up and put her clothes back on. She knows the drill. After she got dressed she left. I got up and slipped on some shorts. I jumped on my bed and fell asleep.

Well here it is. I'm not to proud of this, but it is my first time writing. So, what did you guys think. Please tell me in the comments. Well, bye for now snowballs. Yup my readers are going to be called snowballs. Well, bye.

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