Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Jack's POV

When Elsa told us what Mia did. We locked her up in the cells with the other Nightmares. We are trying to figure out where Elsa could be. We could interrogate Mia. Since she has been there before. Anna went back to Kristoff's place to rest and watch her baby. "We checked the entire world and no Elsa. Where the hell could Pitch's place be," Flynn says. "Ugh," I say and put my face in my hands. "What if the place is camouflage like our agency,"Punzie says. "But, where," I ask. "I guess we're checking the entire place again," Astrid says. "Wait have we checked here maybe he could be here," I say. "Okay I would send agents to check in the forests here," Manny says.

I walk out the office and head to my place. "Hey Jack can we talk," Hiccup asks. "Sure," I say. He follows me to my place. We get in and I sit on the couch. "Okay what you need to talk about," I ask. "I need help to propose to Astrid," Hiccup says. "Wow," I say. "Do you think you can help me," he asks. "Yeah I will help," I say. "Thanks. So were should I do it," he asks. "Where was the place you guys met," I ask. "Um it was here," he says. "Okay you can take her on a date in the gardens we have here and propose to her there," I say. "Thanks for you help Jack," he says and then leaves.

I wish I could propose to Elsa, but Pitch has her. I will find you snowflake. Once I do I will protect you with my life. I promise. I then heard a knock on my door. I open it and see Flynn. "You need something Flynn," I ask. "Mia wants to talk to you," he says. Great that bitch. "Okay," I say and start walking towards the interrogation room.

I open the door and see Mia. "What do you want," I ask. "I'm going to help you find Elsa," she says. "How can I trust you," I say. "You can," she says. I then call my friends to come. They come.

We go to a corner to talk. "So, should we trust her," Astrid whispers. "No, I don't think we should trust her," I say. "Yeah we shouldn't after what she told Pitch to do to Elsa," Punzie says. "I agree with Punzie," Flynn says. "I do too," Hiccup says. "Me too," Kristoff and Astrid say. "Okay we decided not to trust you," I say facing her. "You're making a mistake," Mia says. "Why," I say. "If Elsa gets pregnant and gives birth to Pitch's baby. He would kill her and keep the baby," Mia says. I look at my friends and they nod their heads telling me to trust her.

"Okay what else do you know Pitch is going to do to Elsa," I ask. "Well all I know is that he won't stop hurting her. He wants to break her strong side. Which he already did. Once he does he knows it would be easier for him to get what he wants from her," Mia says. They then take her back to her cell.

"Well at least we know one thing he is going to do," Punzie says. "Yeah I guess," I say. "Let's take a break from this and relax tonight," Kristoff says. "Yeah we should," Hiccup says. "Okay," they all say. Then they all look at me. "I'm going to pass," I say. "You sure," Flynn asks. "Yeah," I say and then walk to my place.

Elsa's POV

I feel like crap. I can't stop throwing up and I'm starving too. They haven't given me food this entire week. The only thing they give me is water. Their food is horrible anyway. It's always cold or expired, but I eat it anyway. I have to find a way to get out of here, but how. I have to figure out how to get off these chains. Then Hans came in with the laptop. Great another beating.

He turned it on and I saw Manny. He then saw me on the screen and ran. I am guessing to get the others. I can't even get up. That's how weak I am. I then saw the others. This time I tried so hard to get up, but I just fell down. "Els you okay," Anna asks. "Yeah I'm---," I say but then I throw up. I then start to cough up blood.

I then hear the doors open. Oh please don't be Pitch. "Bitch I gave you a bucket for a reason," Pitch says, kicking me in the stomach causing me to throw up. "Ugh. I don't have time for this," Pitch says. He then picks me up. When I stand on my legs, I have to lean on something. I lean on the table. "What do you want Pitch," Kristoff asks. "I just want to show Elsa's friends how bad Elsa looks," Pitch says in a baby voice. I want to kick him. I can punch him, but my wrist has the chains on which are hooked up to the table. Might as well try. I punch him in the face really hard. I then feel the adrenaline and energy run through my body. "You think you're all strong don't you," Pitch says. I then got mad. How dare he torcher me and then tries to be nice to me. I then break the chains off the table. "What, but how," Pitch says in shock. "You might have made me weak, but I won't let you hurt me more," I say. I kick him and punch him. Then everything starts spinning.

"I knew you couldn't keep that up," Pitch says. He walks towards me and kisses me. I just scream. I fall down and start crying. "You have that weak side in you. I broke you. Like a stick. I can do whatever I want with you," he says pushing me to the wall. "Elsa," I hear Anna, but she sounds distant. Then everything goes black.

Jack's POV

Pitch was right there and when he took one step, Elsa passed out. He ended the video chat. "There starving her," Astrid says. "How do you know that," I ask. "You can see her bones," Astrid says. "Hey did any of you see the bump on Elsa's belly," Anna says. "Anna you're seeing things because I didn't see it," Punzie says. "Yeah I didn't see it either," Flynn says. "Same here," I say. "I guess I am seeing things," Anna says. "So know what," Kristoff asks. "We have to wait to see if the agents found Pitch's place," I say.

Here you go. So, what did you guys think? Poor Elsa, but don't worry things will get good. Oops I shouldn't have said that. I'm going to keep my mouth shut now. I already have Chapter 14 ready, so I'm going to post it today and that's a promise. Anyway have a wonderful day. I will see you guys later, so bye for now my snowballs. 

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