Chapter 11

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Jack's POV

It's already been 2 weeks and we took shifts talking to the Nightmares, but none of them wanted to talk. Except for this one lady.

"Where is Pitch hiding," I ask. "He changes places, but it is always in the forest," she says. "Oh and there was this girl trying to get rid of Elsa for good, but Pitch only wanted Elsa alive not dead. I have the recording in my pen," she says.

I go through her stuff and find a purple pen. "Is it this one," I ask. "Yes," she says. I was about to turn it on when one of Manny's assistants came running in. "Sir, Pitch is waiting to talk to you," she says. "Okay thank you," he says. "Are we going to go and speak to him," Kristoff asks. "Yes because if we don't. Who knows what he would do to her," Manny says. "Should I get Anna," Astrid asks. "Yes," he says.

We rush off to Manny's office and see Pitch on the T.V. "Ah you finally came," Pitch says. "What do you want," Anna asks. "I want to show you something," he says. The camera then faces Elsa. "Anna," Elsa says. She tries to get up, but she falls down. "Sis are you okay," Anna asks with tears rolling down her cheeks. "Don't worry about it. Worry about the baby. Okay," Elsa says. "But," she says. "I promise I will be fine. I never break my promises and you know that," Elsa says. "Okay," Anna says.

"Aw what a cute reunion," Pitch says. Then he makes Elsa stand up. It looks like Pitch broke one of Elsa's legs. "Now let's get down to business," he says. Elsa just spit in his face. "Bitch. What was that for," Pitch says and slaps her. "Because I wanted to," Elsa says and hits him. Then he punched Elsa's stomach which caused her to fall. "Elsa," Anna shouts. "No food for a week," he says. "Like you were even giving me any," Elsa says hoarsely. Then he kicked her in the head and ended the video.

"My sister can't take it anymore. We have to find her," Anna says while hugging Kristoff. "Don't worry Anna we will find her," Manny says. "How, all we know is that he moves around and hides in the forest," Anna shouts. "I just want my sister safe," Anna says while crying. "Hey how about we take a break from this and go relax," Kristoff asks. "Okay," Anna says and they leave. "Okay time to get back to work," Manny says.

Punzie's POV

We have nothing. After 4 hours of sending agents to places around us that have a forest. They come back with nothing. Jack seems stressed out. I wonder why. Does he love her? They have been together in the safe house for 2 months. I walked up to Jack. "Hey Jack can I ask you something. In private," I ask. "Sure," he says.

We walk out of the office and to the hallway. "Okay what's your question," he asks. "Do you love Elsa," I blurt out. He just looked at me in shock. "Well," I say. He just stays quiet for a couple of minutes. "Yes," he says. "I knew it," I say jumping up and down. "Just don't tell anyone," he says. "My lips are sealed," I say.

We walk back to Manny's office in silence. I'm going to tell Anna, but that would break Jack's promise. Not if I tell Anna to keep it a secret. Yeah that's what I'm going to do. "Hey guys where's Anna," I ask. "In Kristoff's place resting. Why," Astrid says. "I need to tell her something and you're coming Astrid," I say, grabbing Astrid's wrist and dragging her to Kristoff's place.

"Punzie let go of my wrist," Astrid says and I do. I walk in Kristoff's place. I looked around the place, until I found Anna watching T.V. I dragged Astrid to the couch.

"Hey Punzie and Astrid," Anna says. "Hey," we both say. "Okay what you need to talk about Punzie," Astrid asks. "Jack loves Elsa," I blurt out. "What," Anna and Astrid say. "Please don't tell anyone else. I don't want Jack to be mad at me," I say. "We promise," they both say. "I kind of knew it anyway," Anna says. "How," Astrid asks. "He is stressed out and whenever Pitch shows Elsa all beaten up he gets angry," Anna says. "Hmm makes sense," Astrid says. "But how did hating each other turn to love," I ask. "Who knows. They must have told each other about themselves," Anna says.

We were chilling with Anna. Just talking about girl stuff and Anna's baby. It's already night time. "Well girls I have to go," I say. "Okay night," Anna says. "Night," Astrid says.

Elsa's POV

I will not let Pitch break me. He can torture me, but I will not break. I haven't got anything to eat. Only the scraps that are left over. I figured out that Ella's dad is Hans. I can't believe I was her friend and she went to spy on DDSA, short for Dream Disney Spy Agency.

"Oh Elsa foods here," I hear Ella say. "Bitch," I say. "What did you call me," she asks. "A fucking bitch," I say with a smirk. She grabbed my hair and threw me. I tried fighting back, but the fucking chains stopped me. "Aw is little Elsa being beaten by me," she says and then leaves.

I grabbed the plate of "food." It was a piece of steak and apple. The steak was cold so I didn't eat it. I haven't been eating right and I'm getting skinner and skinner for the past week. I'm also getting weak. I can't even do anything with these chains on me. Then the door opened up showing Pitch and Hans.

"Time to video chat our friends," Pitch says. "Not even your friends," I say. "Right I mean enemies," Pitch says. Hans sets up the stuff for the video chat. We waited for a couple of minutes till they all came. I always feel happy whenever I see Jack.

"What do you want Pitch," Manny asks. "Oh I thought you already knew," Hans says. "Hey Pitch," I say. "What do you want," Pitch asks, walking towards me. Time to get naughty. "Oh maybe you," I say selectively. "Oh really," he asks with a smirk. "Yeah," I say biting my lip sexily. He leans in and I knee him where the sun doesn't shine.

"You thought I would have feel for you. In your dreams," I spat at him. He just lays there. Hans left when he set up the camera. I walk towards the laptop. "I'm going to tell you guys where I'm at so grab a pen and piece of paper," I say looking at Pitch trying to get up. "Hurry," I say. "Okay got it," Jack says. "The place is----," I say but Pitch smacked me in the head with a chair. "That's what happens when you mess with me," Pitch says. I tripped him and kicked him in the stomach. He got up and tied me down. "Now where's Hans," Pitch asks. "I'm here," he says. "Pitch what are you going to do," Anna shouts. "What I should of done when I caught your sister," he says. I then kick him.

Then Hans stripes off my clothes. "No, no, noo. Please don't," I shout. "No can do sweetie," he says. "Pitch don't do it," Jack shouts. He just unzipped his pants. He then started to rape me. I just screamed and cried. I also heard Anna shout at Pitch. After an hour he stopped. He then turned off the camera and left me there with no clothes. I just sat there curled in a ball. I cried wishing this didn't happen to me. He finally found a way to break me. When Pitch was about to turn off the laptop I heard someone flip a table and I'm guessing it was Jack. So he does care about me. I wish I was in his arms feeling warm and protected from the world. I then cried myself to sleep. 

Here is the chapter. What do you guys think? I'm proud of this one if I say so myself. What do you think would happen next? Anyway have a lovely day. Bye for now my snowballs. 

Love in The Spy Agencyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن