Chapter 14

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Jack's POV

It has been a month and we found where Elsa is. Right now we are getting ready to go over there. It is located in Canada in an abandoned warehouse. We haven't gotten any video chats, so we don't know if Elsa is okay. We are taking medics with us, so when we get Elsa there they can check up on her.

"You guys ready," Hiccup says. "Yup," Astrid says. Oh that's right. Hiccup proposed to Astrid. They are going to get married in 9 months. Anna can't come since she has her baby to take care of. We walk towards the jet and get in.

After a 5 hour flight we reached Pitch's place. We have the SWAT coming to help us. We walk up towards the door and get in. We walk in and we see Pitch. "I am so happy that you joined the party," Pitch says. Then they started firing. I ran to Pitch and got him. "Where is Elsa," I say. "Never tell," he says. The SWAT took him away. Me and my friends start to look around. Hiccup tries to get power in the place. "Okay if anyone finds her tell us," I say. "Okay," they say and start looking around.

I find a door that is locked. I shoot the door knob and the door opens. I then see a girl with platinum blonde hair in a corner. I walk towards her.

Elsa's POV

I heard the door open and I ran to a corner. Hoping that Pitch can't find me. The person touches my shoulder. "Don't touch me," I scream and move away from my spot. "Elsa," I hear someone say. I turn my head and I see Jack. He kneels down and hugs me. I just hug back. "I missed you," I say with tears rolling down my cheeks. He just wiped it away and kissed me. I responded back. I just smile. "Pitch isn't here anymore," Jack says. He helps me up. I then see our friends. They all hug me. We walked out and I could see the sun again. It was beautiful. The sun on my skin felt nice. We started walking towards a van. Then everything starts spinning. "Elsa you okay," Jack asks. "Yup," I say. Then everyone's voice starts to sound distant. I then see Pitch's face. I just scream. "Don't touch me. Please don't hurt me," I shout then everything goes black.

Jack's POV

Elsa started screaming out of nowhere. She looked scared. You could see the fear in her eyes. "Don't touch me. Please don't hurt me," she shouts. Then she faints. I caught Elsa before she could hit her head. "What was that about," Astrid asks. "Who knows, but we have to rush her to the agency," I say.

We run to the jet and it speeds off to the agency. We reach there and the doctors rush her in. Anna then came running in. "Where's my sister? How is she," Anna asks. "She's here, but she fainted," I say. "She will be fine right," Anna asks. "I don't know," I say. We sat in the waiting room waiting for the doctor.

After 2 hours the doctor came. "For Elsa Queen," the doctor says. "Is she okay," Anna asks. "Yes she is. I just have to talk with whoever had an acquaintance with Elsa Queen," she says. I walk with her to the hallway. "Jack, have you ever you know with Elsa," she says. "What," I say. "I know it's a bit personal, but I need to know if you did," she says. "Yeah I did," I say. "She's pregnant, but she has been raped by Pitch. So, it could be his baby or yours," she says. "I'm going to be a dad," I say. "Yes or not since it could be Pitch's and I don't know if the baby will survive because they kicked her in the stomach and it looks like she hasn't eaten for a while," she says. "Can I see her," I ask. "Yes follow me. Oh and I'm going to need some of your blood to see who's baby it is," she says. "Okay," I say. I follow her to Elsa's ward.

I see Elsa lost in space. I sit on her bed which causes her to look at me. "I would get your friends," the doctor says. "You know," she asks. "Yeah, but look at the bright side," I say. "That is," she asks, raising her eyebrows. "I have you here and I could be the dad of the baby," I say. "Do you love me enough that I could be your girlfriend," she asks. "Yes," I say and kiss her forehead. She leans her head on my chest while I wrap my arms around her. "I love you," she says. "I love you too," I say.

Elsa's POV

Our friends then come in. "Hey sis how are you doing," Anna asks. "Is it weird to be hungry even though I just ate," I ask. "Nope totally part of the pregnancy," Anna says. "Okay then is it weird for me to be craving chocolate and pickles," I ask. "Sis. Have you seen me eat when I was pregnant," Anna asks. "Uh no," I say. "You are going to be craving weird combinations of food. Some smells of food you can't stand. You will be having morning sickness and contractions. You will have contractions around 9 months," Anna says. "Okay," I say. "How far are you," Punzie asks. "I'm 3 months," I say. "That was also how long you were stuck with---," Hiccup says. "Don't. Don't say his name," I say. "Sorry," Hiccup says. "It's okay," I say. "So, know what," Anna asks. "Anna give me your fucking chocolate," I shout. "I don't have any," Anna says. "Well then go get some," I say sassily. "Mood swings. Good luck Jack," Kristoff says. "Excuse me," I say looking at Kristoff. I then start to cry.

"Hey Elsa it's okay. Here you can have my chocolate," Jack says. "Thanks," I say. I start to smell something that makes me want to puke. "What's that smell," I say. "Um an orange," Astrid says. Then I feel like I need to throw up. "Throw it away," I say. "Why," Astrid asks. "It stinks," I say. She looks at me confused and then throws it away.

Then the doctor comes in. "Elsa can you stand and walk towards me," she says. "Okay," I say. I got off the bed and then I felt pain in my left leg, but I hid it. I start to walk towards her. Then I couldn't take the pain. I leaned on the wall and sat on the floor. Fuck this leg is killing me. I then get a flashback on how I broke my leg.


I'm sitting on the floor. I just punched him because I couldn't stand his beating. "Oh Elsa you now what happens when you don't listen to me," Pitch says. "No I don't bastard," I say. I stand up, but he pushes me back down.

"Listen here I can do whatever I want with you," he says. He then showed me a hammer that was behind his back. "What are you going to do with that? Nail a picture," I say with a smirk. He looked angry at me and then got out a sledge hammer. He then slammed it on my left leg. He then left me there. I just screamed when he slammed it down.

End of Flashback

Here it is. Like I said I keep my promises, sometimes not all the times. So what do you guys think. Yay they found Elsa, but whos baby will it be Jacks or Pitchs. Oh I guess you guys just have to wait. Anyway have a lovely day. Bye for now my snowballs. 

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