Chapter 3

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Jack's POV

I woke up and went to my kitchen to get something to eat. Once I finished. I went to the shower. After I finished my shower. I got dressed. I put on a white button up shirt, dark blue suit, dark blue slacks, dark blue tie, and black dress shoes. Once I finished I got out of my place. I walked in the lounge room where me and my friends hang out every morning. I got there and saw them all there.

"Morning," Hiccup says. "Morning," I say. "So what are we doing today," Punzie asks. I just shrug my shoulders.

Then the doors slam open. We see Elsa and did she look mad. She was wearing her outfit that she had on yesterday. "Who the hell told people a lie that I killed my parents," Elsa shouts. "Elsa we would never," Astrid says. "How am I so sure. I had a lot of backstabbing friends and you guys could be just like them," Elsa says. "Oh Elsa sweetie. I did it," someone says coming out from nowhere. "Should of  now it was you Ella," Elsa spat. "What happened to you. Where is the scared girl I knew," Ella says. "I changed and what happened to your little fans of boys following you," Elsa says. "Okay hold on, you guys now each," Hiccup asks. "Yeah she used to be my best friend till she went behind my back and told everyone that I was the one who killed my parents, but I didn't. Everyone started calling me a monster and no one wanted to be my friend," Elsa says. "And I did it again," Ella says. "Why, why are you doing this to me," Elsa says. "Because everyone like you. You were popular and I was nothing. So I destroyed your popularity and since your here now. I don't want you getting popular her," Ella says. This lady is crazy. She is just popular because of her looks, but not more popular than us. Then she choked Elsa.

"You now Elsa, Pitch should of taken you away when he had the chance to," Ella says. "Wait what," Punzie asks. "Oh you didn't tell them," Ella says, choking her harder and Elsa was trying to breathe, but she couldn't. Then Astrid punched her and when she did Ella dropped Elsa. "Get out," Astrid yells. "Ugh fine, but I would be back Elsa. Even if I have to kill you in your sleep. If you tell Manny this I would join Pitch," Ella says leaving. Elsa was just on the floor trying to catch her breathe.

Elsa's POV

I'm just trying to catch my breath right now, but I can't believe Ella would threaten me. We used to be so close until she wanted to be popular. "Elsa you okay," Kristoff asks. I tried speaking, but all that came out was just a croak. "I think she broke your vocal cords," Astrid says. I tried speaking, but no sound came out, only croaks. After trying a bunch of times, my throat started to hurt. I just slam my fist on the floor. Then the loud speaker turned on. "Can Agent Snow, and the Big 6 come to Manny's office," the person says. I just look at them and they look at me. We head out and go to Manny's office.

"Thanks for coming," Manny says. "You need something," Astrid asks. "Yes you guys are going on a mission," Manny says. Nice. My second day here and I'm going on a mission. "What's the mission," Jack asks. "The Nightmares are going to steal the Ocean jewel at 9 p.m.," Manny says. The Nightmares are a group that is run by Pitch and Hans. I know this because I read a little bit of it on my way here. "Why would they steal a jewel," Punzie asks. "We don't know and please catch them, so we can figure out what they are going to do," Manny says. "Okay," Hiccup and Flynn say. "Elsa do you think you can do the mission," Manny asks. I just nod my head. "Good. Be safe Agents," Manny says. "When have we never been safe," Punzie says.

We get out of his office and walk in the hallways. Well looks like I'm changing outfits today. I run and do a front flip. When I did that my outfit changed in the air. When I landed I was wearing all black. I'm wearing a black jacket and black leggings. I have on black boots and my hair was down in a braid. My gun was now on my belt that I was wearing. I turn around and I see everyone in shock. "Did your--," Hiccup asks. "How," they all say. I just shrug my shoulders. Nightmares better watch themselves because a new spy is on the block.

Jack's POV

It's 8:50 and we are in our spots. I'm next to the door exit, Hiccup is our eyes in the sky, so he is in the van parked outside. I put Elsa with Punzie because Elsa is new to this and she can't speak, so we wouldn't know if she is in trouble. Kristoff is next to the jewel with the secretary guards and Flynn is next to a vent that leads to the jewel. "Is everyone ready," I ask in my earpiece. "Yes," I hear everyone say.

"Jack I spotted them. They are heading to the vent," Hiccup says. "Okay," I say. "Flynn get ready there coming your way," I say in the earpiece. "Okay," Flynn says. "How many Nightmares are there," I ask. "Three. 2 are the Stabbington brothers and I can't recognize the other one," Hiccup says. "Okay," I say. "Jack I just lost sight of them," Hiccup exclaims. "What. Try getting it back," I say. Then I hear gunshots. "Jack a little help over here," Flynn says. "Elsa, Punzie, go to Flynn," I say. "Okay,"Punzie says.

I run to Flynn and I see a bunch of secretary guards down. I see the Stabbingtion brothers running with the Jewel. I run to them and shoot at them, but they get away. I turn around and I see Elsa choking one of the Nightmares that came with the Stabbington brothers. Elsa threw him to the floor. I walk over to them and look at the Nightmare. "Elsa why did you do that," Punzie asks. Elsa just looks at the Nightmare that she knocked out cold. "Oops forgot you can't speak," Punzie says. "Okay let's take him to headquarters," I say. Flynn picks him up and walks to the van with Kristoff. Elsa just stood there looking at the people that died. "You okay," I ask. She just turns her head and nods. Then she walks away. Well at least she didn't give me a glare that time. I walk to the van and we drive to headquarters in silence.  

I am pretty proud of this one. It didn't suck that much as my other 2 chapters. So tell me what you guys thought of this chapter. Please write it in the comments. Have a lovely day. Bye for now my snowballs.

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