Chapter 16

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Jack's POV

We are know in my place. They moved all of Elsa's stuff into my place since she is having my baby. This still shocks me all the time. Elsa is just siting on the couch playing with her fingers. "I can't sit around and do nothing," Elsa says getting up. "Elsa you have to rest," Punzie says. "You rest and I work. Deal. Deal," Elsa says. "Elsa you have to rest," I say hugging her from behind. "No I.... Oh my gosh let go of me I'm serious," she says. I let go of her and she runs to a bathroom in the first floor. 

It has been 20 minutes and Elsa hasn't got out of the bathroom. "What's taking her so long," Anna asks. "Who knows," I say. "Should we check on her," Astrid asks. "Yeah lets go," I say. We reach the bathroom and open the door. We then she Elsa crying on the floor. "Snowflake you okay," I ask walking towards her. "Hmm. Yeah I'm fine. Yup totally fine," she says. "Elsa you are not fine. Whats wrong," Anna asks. Then Elsa started crying more. "Its just I've been thinking. What if Jack leaves me, like my ex did to me in high school," Elsa says. "Elsa I would never leave you and plus if I did I think Anna would never let me live it down," I say. "She wouldn't would she," Elsa says. "Yup that's Anna for you," Astrid says. "Elsa you are the most beautiful girl. You can scare anyone and rip off a dummy's head and if I do something wrong I think you would beat me up and make my life a living hell," I say. Elsa just giggles. "Wait scare anyone. Your doing that again," Anna says. "Again what are you talking about," Elsa says. Anna kneeled down. "Don't get mad at me okay," Anna says. "Depends on what you are going to say," Elsa says. "Oh Anna I think you should protect yourself," Hiccup says. "You know the dates I hook you up with. I would always spy on you to see how its going. You would always scare them off and be proud about that. I have a video of you doing that," Anna says. 

Elsa's POV 

I can't believe my sister, but it is true I would always scare them off. "I wont get mad, but I want to see the video," I say. Jack just sits next to me on the floor and our friends did the same thing too. Anna gave me her phone showing the video. It was actually from the beginning. Oh crap its going to show me taking a gun with me. Everyone crowded over me. I pressed play.
(Video=Bold, Present= regular writing) 
"Sis. Are you ready for your date," Anna shouts. "Yeah, but why do I have to do this anyway," I ask walking downstairs. I was wearing a short blue dress and white heels. My hair was down in perfect waves. "Because I want to be an auntie," Anna says. "You and your dumb auntie stuff. You are already having a child," I say. "Yeah I know. But aren't you happy to be an auntie," Anna asks. "I guess," I say. "So I want to. Hurry before your date leaves," Anna  says. "I can drive myself to the place," I say. "Well its a date so no," Anna says. "Fine I just have to get something," I say. It showed me grabbing a gun where all the knives are. "I didn't see this part," Anna gasps. "Why did you bring a gun to a date," Astrid asks. "It was to tell my date to leave me alone and never come back," I say with a smirk. "Wow," Flynn says. "Okay keep playing the video," I say. Anna plays the video. 
Now its at the date. "Touch me and you would be sorry," I say. "Is that a threat," he says. "No its a promise," I say. "Come on I know you love me," he says. I grabbed him by the ear and took him to an ally. "What the hell was that for," he says rubbing his ear. "For this," I say pointing a gun to his forehead. He ran away and I just smirked. "How," Flynn asks. "Well you just point it at them and they run," I say. "Snowflake got a bad side," Jack says. "I do," I say. "I want to see where this is going. So play it," Hiccup says. Anna plays it. 
"I deserve a little me time," I say. I did a handspring and my outfit changed. I was wearing all black and my hair was black too. "Why did you change your hair black," Kristoff asks. "I don't know," I say. The video showed a place to practice shooting. Thats right the people now me as Ella with black hair. "Ah Ella welcome back," the clerk says. "Make sure nobody bothers me if they do you now what to do," I say. "Yes ma'am," he says. After me shooting we are now at some bar. Nothing scared me and I knew how to scare people. "I followed you everywhere. I didn't get to go back till 1 in the morning," Anna says. "Not my fault you followed me," I say. "When was this," Jack asks. "I was like 23 years old. A year before I meet Manny," I say. My hair was back to its regular color. "Elsa what are you doing here you were banned," someone says. "Well I'm back," I say. "Get out," she says. "Make me," I say. She threw a knife at me but I caught it. "Work on your throwing sweetie," I say and stab the table. That was the end of the video. 

"I was surprised when I saw all this," Anna says. "I have to get up," I say getting up. "Hey Elsa can I ask you something," Anna asks. "Sure," I say. "You look bigger than me when I was 3 months pregnant," Anna says. "Your seeing things," I say. Could I be bigger than I'm supposed to be at 3 months. We are now on the couch. I should check. "Um I would be right back," I say. I get up and head upstairs to Jack's room or should I say our room. I looked in the mirror and turned to my side. I do look bigger than Anna. Maybe its a big baby. Oh the ultrasound is today at 4 in the afternoon. 

I'm hungry. Now I'm thinking about food. I'm craving chocolate and ketchup. I walk to the kitchen and make my food. I then eat it.

It has been a couple of hours and I'm having my ultrasound. "Okay Elsa your babies seem healthy," she says. "Okay good," I say. "Wait did you say babies," Jack says. Babies that means more than one. "I'm having twins," I ask. "Yup and they seem healthy," she says. 

I told Anna and the rest of my friends and they are happy for me. Right now I'm sitting on Jack and my bed. "Hey Snowflake," Jack says. "Hmm," I say. "I love you," he says and puts me on his lap. "I love you too," I say. "Hey do you think I would be a great mother," I ask. "You would be the best mother I ever knew," he says. I turned around and wrap my legs around his waist. He then leaned in and kissed me.  

So what did you guys think of the chapter?
Yay Elsa is having twins. Oh what would the genders be?
I might post the next chapter today or I'm might not, but I think I would post it today. 
Anyway thats it for now. Have a lovely day. Bye for now my snowballs.

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