Chapter 5

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Jack's POV

We are walking towards the interrogation room to interrogate the Nightmare. A lot of people were staring at Elsa, especially the boys.

"Ugh she thinks she is all that"
"She looks fine"
"Someone hook me up with her"
And a lot more. Then one of them grabbed Elsa's wrist. "Hey beautiful," he says. "Let go of me," Elsa says. "Trying hard to get. Me like," he says. I just roll my eyes. My friends just look at him in disgust. "No. All I want is you to let me go," Elsa says. Then he pushed her to the wall and started leaning in. Then Elsa slapped him and kneed him where the sun didn't shine. Elsa just walked away from him like nothing happened.

"Gosh I got to stop dressing like this," she mumbles. "You okay Elsa," Punzie asks. "Yeah," she says. Then someone tripped Elsa and that's when she got really mad. All she did was scream and storm off to the training room. Everyone followed her. We are at the door frame of the door watching Elsa beat up the dummy.

"I swear if people keep treating me like crap. The only thing they would see is me and my fist" she shouts, ripping the head off the dummy with her bare hands.

"Elsa calm down," Punzie says, shaking Elsa. "Oh I would be calm," she says with a smirk. She turned around and looked at everyone. Her eyes were like a red color, not the icy blue color. "Elsa we have to interrogate the Nightmare. To see why they would steal the ocean jewel," Kristoff says. Then Elsa's eyes changed. "Oh my gosh I did it again," she says looking at the dummy's head in her hand. "It's okay, now let's interrogate the Nightmare," Astrid says. "Okay," she says.

We reach the room and go in.

"I will never tell you anything," he says. Then Elsa walked up to him. He just gasped. "You're one of the Queen's daughters. Elsa Queen. Your family is the richest of them all. Top class," he says. "Oh well look at that. You do know stuff," Elsa says. "Now tell me why the hell would Pitch want the Ocean jewel," Elsa shouts and slams her fist on the table. "I w-would n-never t-tell y-you," he stutters. Elsa was able to get him scared. Nice. "You better tell us," Astrid says. "If I don't," he asks. "You don't want to go down that path," Elsa sneers. "Pitch wants the jewel to give to one of the Queen's daughters. I don't know which one. All I know about her is that she likes the color blue and snowflakes," he blurted out. Elsa just gasped. They took the Nightmare away and locked him up.

Elsa's POV

So, Pitch was telling the truth when I was 12. I totally forgot about that part because all I wanted was revenge on him. We are in Manny's Office. Jack already told him what the Nightmare said. I'm pacing around the room while Kristoff is sitting on a chair lost in space. I don't think he knows my favorite color or does he. If he is after me and I don't join him he can take my sister away and torture her and I can't have that happen.

"Elsa stopped pacing around your making me dizzy," Astrid says. I stop and stand still. This isn't good. I have to be with my sister like now. I have to make sure Pitch didn't catch her.

"Okay Elsa who likes blue," Manny asks. I just stay quiet. "Its Anna if I'm sure," Kristoff says. No that's wrong. "Okay we have to--," Manny says, but I cut him off. "No, it's me that Pitch wants. I have this fucking special gene in me," I say. Everyone looks at me in shock.

"When I was 12 Pitch came to the mansion we lived in. I heard screams and I ran to my parents office. I saw Pitch there pointing a gun to my parents. My mom told Pitch to not to take me now and let me grow, so the gene in me would be strong enough. He agreed and killed my parents," I say with tears. Then Anna called me. I answer.

"Hey Anna. Whats up," I say. "There are people here trashing my house and I don't know what to do," Anna whispers on the other line. "Shit," I mumble and I put the phone on speaker. "Anna, where are you in the house," I ask. "In some secret gun room. That I had no clue about. Oh and if you find Kristoff tell him I'm going to give him a serious beating," Anna says. I just giggle and look at Kristoff's face. He looks scared. "Okay Anna I'm coming to get you," I say and end the call.

"Elsa you can't go over there. You are like the main target," Punzie says. "Oh I know," I say. "Manny we have to talk about what to do later. Right now I got to save my sister," I say.

The only thing Anna has seen me in disguise is with brown hair and eyes. I do a backflip which changes my entire look. I was wearing a pink cocktail dress with gold heels and dangling earrings. My hair is brown and down and my eyes are brown too.

 My hair is brown and down and my eyes are brown too

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I walk back to my friends. "How do I look," I say. "Different," they all say. "Good," I say. "Someone is going with you for backup," Manny says. "Fine," I say. "Jack is your backup," Manny says. I just groan. "Anything wrong," Jack asks all innocently. "No," I say through clenched teeth.

I made sure no one could see me. I made my way to my blue Farrier and Jack to his blue BMW. We drove off to my sister and Kristoff's house. Once we reached there. I started looking around for the secret room outside. Kristoff told me where it is outside. I found it and when I opened the door, I found Anna.

"Anna it's me," I say walking towards her.

"Oh my gosh Elsa," she says hugging me. "Come on we got to go," I say walking towards my car.

"But the house," she says. "Worry about that later. Right now you need to come with me," I say dragging her to my car. I need to change. Everyone is in the house looking for Anna, so it's safe to change. I did a backflip and I changed to my normal look. My platinum blonde hair down in waves, my outfit was my tight short black open back dress with black high heel boots. I hurry in the car and drive off to the agency. 

So, what do you think of this chapter. Was it okay or is it just horrible. Please tell me in the comments. 
I know I said I won't post on the weekends, but its Valentines day. So, I wanted to post just because it Valentines Day. Happy Valentines Day. Have a wonderful day. Bye for know my snowballs. 

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