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The sounds of students cheering and yelling filled the hallway, teenagers standing around talking with friends about summer plans or what not, some just trying to leave the dreadful school as soon as possible. It was the last day of school for U.A high the freckled teen had just finished his sophomore year.

The greenette stood in front of his locker grabbing the jacket he had left in there, his Heterochromia best friend leaning on the gray locker next to him, they had been bestfriends since kindergarten Shoto had looked a little lonely so Izuku offered for him to play with him and just clicked.

"Hey so when do you get your car back? It's been a two weeks now since it broke down." The half haired teen stated as he pushed his half red half white haired back away from his face, handsome face to be exact, he was definitely one of the best looking boys in their grade and he knew it, girls wouldn't leave him alone until he met his girlfriend through his AP classes.

"Oh Kacchan said it should be fixed by tomorrow, so I'll probably go with Yo to pick it up." Izuku answered as he closed his locker shoving his jacket in his bag. The greenette's car had broken a couple weeks ago and Katsuki had offered to fix it rather than having to go and pay for someone to.

Izuku glanced down to his phone in hand when he felt it start to buzz, not caring to answer it knowing what the black haired teen wanted, looking back at friend that gave him a knowing smile and a nod. "Yeah he's already called me twice so I should probably head out, see you some time this week yeah?"

"I should probably go find Momo anyway, and yeah I think everyone's free on Sunday so well try for then." The taller teen replied as he looked at his watch before doing the handshake him and Izuku had come up with in middle school before going off to find his girlfriend.

Izuku turning his feet in the opposite direction Shoto had gone making his way through the crowded hallway of teens as he made his way to the student parking lot, finding his brothers car quite easily. Putting his hand on the sliver car door handle but stopped when he made eye contact with the red eyed teen in the passengers seat.

Katsuki smirked the oh to filmier smile and pointed to the back of the car rolling down his window just to tease the younger teen, "Oh hey Deku, How's it going?"

Katsuki Bakugou, or as Izuku liked to call him 'Kacchan' a childhood name that kinda just stuck , It was fair since he called Izuku 'Deku'. Katsuki had been friends with Izuku's older brother also known as Yo since kindergarten. Both Katsuki and Yo were extremely popular with for playing footbal, and since the two were extremely hot they made there rounds with the girls of all different grades and schools.

Ignoring the blond he reached for the other door handle throwing his backpack in car before getting in sitting in the middle seat so he could reach over the counsel if he needed to. "Took you long enough Izuku."

"School got out ten minutes ago chill out Yo." He said as the black haired teen had turned slightly to talk to him throwing him a water bottle as he did. Izuku's eye's drifted to the blond in the passengers seat. "Why are you here?"

"I got my license suspended for a month." Katsuki answered plainly as scrolled though his phone, opening snaps that people had sent him, ignoring the ones from girls he didn't like.

"Really now? So what did you do this time?" Izuku asked as he opened his water bottle tacking a sip from it as Yo started to back out of the parking space.

"Don't worry about it Deku, it's not that big of a deal." Katsuki replied as he turned his body to the greenette in his seat giving a small smile before he went back to the way he was sitting before, Izuku looked over a Yo with a questioning look knowing full well that the blond was lying.

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