Chapter 17

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If I'm going to be honest feel so out of it right now it's almost concerning to me, so I'm trying to get back on track with this chapter hoping it will help, so thank you all for all the support i know i'm not the best at this so it really means a lot to me. <3

Side note: I do really think that my writing has improved a lot from my other chapter I don't know tell me what you think, I don't  writing fluff like i don't know how to write it and i feel like it always looks like bad but I won't get better at it if i don't try🧍‍♀️

...So I guess....with that ENJOY THE NEW CHAPTER✨

Word count 4825

Third person Pov

The day Izuku and Katsuki first met

The five year old greenette sat inside the fort he had built with his father who was oblivious a bit to tall for, Izuku was too young to be attending school yet so Hisashi would work night shifts so he could be home with the Izuku, while Yo would go to school and Inko would be working.

"Alright Kiddo we've watched all the Cars movies, and played Hero's how about we go eat something?" Hisashi said visibly tired, his black curly hair was messier than usual, dark circles that complemented his dark grey eye color. It was one of the consequences of working grave yard shifts at the fire station he didn't sleep much.

Izuku nodded and walked out the fort wait for his father who came out shortly after, the gray eyed adult picked up Izuku as he walked out the fort walking out of the living room. "Alright why should we eat Izuku?"

"Sponge Bob popsicles!" Izuku smiled as Hisashi set him down on barstool of the island walking around to the fridge.

"Yeahh...I don't know if your mom would like that we're eating popsicles before dinner." Hisashi chuckled as he reached into the freezer to grab two of the last sponge bob popsicles. "I guess we just don't tell her." 

They sat out side on the freshly cut green grass, under the shade of the tree eating  deformed representations of sponge bob when the sliding door to the back yard opened up to Yo and a ash blond boy who they had never seen before. 

"Guess who made friend." Inko said nodding over to Yo as she walked outside right after the two six year old boys who where setting there backpacks down next to the patio furniture. Izuku and Hisashi stood up walked over to the patio.

"Yeah dad! His names Katsuki and we're best friends!" You said throwing his arm over Katsuki smiling with one of his top teeth missing, Katsuki smiled with his arm over Yo's shoulder eyes glancing at the green hair boy hiding behind Hisashis leg eating a popsicle.

"Yeah Hisashi you won't believe it this is Masaru's kid!" Inko said walking over to her husband going to go hold his hand. Remembering when they were all friend in high school. "I guess him and Mitsuki did end up together."

Hisashi smiled and kissed the top of Inko head  before turning back to the two boys in front of him. "How about you guys go play and I'll call you when dinners ready?"

The two boys smiled and nodded as the walked away, Yo grabbing Izuku's hand as they walked away. "Come Izu lets go play."

Hisashi and Inko watched as the three boys ran over to the shade of the tree, the tree boys sitting in a circle of sorts, Izuku fiddling with the pieces of grass ripping it out and burying Yo's foot in grass, as the other two boys talked and colored with there coloring books.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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