Chapter 4

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It had been had been three weeks since our beloved Katsuki had slept in Izuku's room. Neither had tried to talk about what had happened.

Izuku had been busy with friends most of the time.

Kastuski has been super busy with his parents in town, Football, and what not. So he hasn't exactly been around Izuku, And when Katsuki was at the Midorya house hold they avoided each other like a plague.  

If they were left in a room together they would make awkward eye contact then make a shitty excuse to leave the room. Or just look at anything but eachother.

It was just awkward to say the least.

Katsuki's parents left town today, which meant he would be hanging around Yo more often.

Izuku's POV 

I lay on the floor of my room looking at the ceiling, music playing through my headphones. I bring my hands to my face.

I don't know what to say or do anymore

"Ughhh" I groan and rub my face in frustration.

Things are just super awkward between us now. We can't even make eye contact without it being super weird. It's not like I found what happened between me Kacchan was was a little weird but I didn't hate it..

Definitely didn't hate it.

I like having him around in general...but I liked having him around me in that way. I liked to having him sleep next to me. I liked the way he went soft just for comfort. I liked it all.... and now I want it all.

I can't deny that I had always had a thing for him...since we were little I have had always had some sort of feeling towards him. I always pushed them away do to the fact they were just a fantasy that would  never happen.

I realized that when he started high school, when he started going out with girls constantly. That I would never have a shot with him. When he came out as Bi it gave me hope for something, but I had to constantly remind myself that I was nothing more then his best friends little brother.

Yo kicked my door open, he always liked to make dramatic entrances into my room for some reason. 

I guess football practice is over

"I bless you with my presence." Yo said as he jumped onto my bed. 

"What do you need Yo?" I asked as I slipped my headphones off and sat up.

"Well since Katsuki's parents are out of town again he's throwing a party at his house." Yo gestured towards the door. I look over to see him leaned against the door frame. 

We locked eyes for a second before he turned away.

That look wasn't as awkward as usually it was like he had this sorry look in his eyes like if he was guilty of doing something.

I turned back to Yo. "When's the party?" I ask him.

"Next Saturday I just thought I would tell you ahead of time so you don't go making plans to do some other shit. After all it is the last party of the summer, don't want you to be sitting here on your ass." Yo said as he grabbed one of my pillows and threw it me and I caught it.

This summer just flew by...

(A/N: Just pretend with me here....okay? I know summer lasts longer then this but I give zero fucks to try and fix it)

"I don't have much of a choice now do I?" They both shook there head at my question.

I sigh. "Fine." I grab the pillow the Yo threw at me. "But I get to drink this time Yo." I threw the pillow at Yo which he caught easily.

He made a face, I know he doesn't want me drinking but he doesn't want me just sitting here. He looked over to Kacchan asking his opinion silently.

Kacchan shrugged. "That's not fucking helpful Katsuki." Yo said.

"What do you want me to fucking say. I can't really tell him what he can and can't do." Kacchan says giving Yo a look.

Yo sighed. "You can have a drink or two but that's it."  Yo said as he got off my bed he ruffled my hair as he walked past me.

I doubt you will even notice how much I will have to drink Yo.

"Invite your friends if you want. I'm going to take a shower though." Yo walked out the my room down the hall. Katsuki was still at the doorway though.

His red eyes met my green ones, He looked like he wanted to say something. Kcchan opened his mouth to say something but then stopped himself. 

Kacchan sighed then walked all the way in the room and sat on my bed. He fiddled with his ring as he looked at his hands.

"Listen Deku. I'm fucking sorry if freaked you out." Kacchan said sincerely. "It's just that...It's that no one really ever gives me comfort so when you gave it to me I grew a bit attached to it...and now that were avoiding each other I feel like shit and that I messed something between us up...I just-" He kept on going on but at that point it  he was just whispering things I couldn't hear.

I look over to the door to double check that Yo wasn't going to walk in. I look back over to Kacchan who was was now tugging on his hair.

I make my way over to him and soft grab his hand from his hair and pulled him into a hug. He froze for a second but hugged me back and buried his head in my neck.

"Your fine Kacchan..." I say softly as I drew shapes on his back with my thumb. "I honestly am okay with it. If you need some comfort you can come to me long as Yo's not around he would murder us both."   

 He let out a breathy chuckle into my neck. "If he could fucking catch me." 

I chuckled at his statement. "Couldn't be that hard." I joked.

"Liked to see you try Nerd." He said as he shook his head. "So no more avoiding each other?" He asked after a bit.

"No more avoiding each other." I say and he tightened his grip to the hug, Which made a blush spread across my face.

Maybe just maybe...This could be something...

Later in the day....Around 5 to be specific 

After Yo and had finished his shower him and Kacchan went out with the Bakusquad to do something not sure what but something.

(A/N: Me anytime anyone asked me were my parents are^)

I was in the kitchen sitting on the island scrolling through my phone with the snack I had just made. Candied Strawberry they were easy to make and taste delicious. 

 I saw I got a text so I tapped on it and to my surprise it was none other than... 

Shinso: Hey you want to hang out tomorrow?

  Hey, and sure we can hangout.

I felt bad for what happened at the party....I for sure don't have a thing for him, but hanging out won't hurt right?

I at some point in our conversation convinced him to be a group hang out so I wouldn't have to be alone with him, Not that there's something wrong with him i just don't want him to get the idea that it was like a date.


This chapter was a lot shorter then my other ones that's for sure...Shame on me i was on a roll with long chapters but I just had to disappoint myself. 

Word count (1282)

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