Chapter 5

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Word count 1609 

Izuku's Pov

I finished getting ready so I could go hang out with Shinso, Todoroki, Momo, and Fucking Monoma. Shinso invited Monoma, I definitely didn't want to be around the blonde haired dumbass but I would have to deal with it.

(A/N: Izuku is wearing the outfit above)

I slip my shoes on and grab my keys and phone then walk out of my room. I walked down the hall to Yo's room and Knock on his door.

I hear a faint come in so I open the door, Yo was sitting on his bed with his Xbox control and Kacchan was sitting on the bean bag with the other controller. Kacchan glanced over to me and let out a small smile.

Kacchan always managed to look good no matter what he was doing even if he wasn't trying he still always looked good.

I gave him a small smile back with a bit of a blush. I look back over to Yo. "I'm going out Yo." I informed him.

"Okay. Where are you going?" Yo asked me. He always gets protective when I try to leave the house.

"I'm going to the arcade with Shoto, Momo, Monoma, and someone else." I answer my brothers question.

Yo turns my way. "Who's 'Someone else'.?" He asked me.

I didn't want to answer the question because Kacchan was sitting right there and he would probably kill me for going out with after the party....But Yo will kill me if I don't answer his question.

"Shinso Hitoshi." I admitted. "Yup I'm leaving now!"  

I rushed out of his room.

"Izuku!" I hear Yo yell From his room.

I open the front door. "Bye!" 

"Damnit Izuku get back here!" Yo's yelled.

I close the door as soon as Yo walked around the corner of the hallway. 

I get in my car and start driving towards Shinso's house to pick him up. Shinso walked out of the house wearing black jeans and a  light purple pullover, His hair was messy but it still had some sort of style. He looked nice to say the least.

"You look nice Midorya." Shinso said as he got into the passenger seat.

I let out a small laugh. "Thanks, You look nice too." I said as i started to drive.

It looked like like he was about to say something but then my phone buzzed and the car announced I had an incoming call from Kacchan and missed text from Yo. I pressed the decline button.

Well that's not good.

"You guy's aren't a thing right?" Shinso asked.

"No, why would you think that?" I asked nervously.

He shrugged, "You two just seem close." 

"Ah well I mean guess. I've known him since I was in kindergarten, But to be fair he's more Yo's friend then he is mine." I clarify and he hummed in response. 

"You should come to his end of year party with me next week." I offered. 

He made a face, "I think he would try to kill me, It seemed like he didn't very much like me there last time."

"I really don't don't think he would notice. Everyone and there mothers will be there, I mean it's supposed to be the biggest party of the summer."

He took a deep breathe and sighed. "Yeah ok, I'll go."

Nothing more. |BKDK|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora