Chapter 9

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Izukus POV 

I was sitting on the couch with Denki helping him with his trigonometry homework. We're not even that far into the school year and he's already behind.

I could here the door that leads to my garage creek open. Which was weird cause my mom and Yo were out grocery shopping.

"Mom?" I asked thinking that maybe they got home early.

"Do I look like your mommy." I familiar voice spoke.

(A/N: Damn I miss vine...)

I chuckled at his reference as he walked into the living room he paused for a second when he saw Denki but shook it off and sat down next to me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as he pulled out his phone.

"Yo said he had something he wanted to give me something or some shit is he not here?" Kacchan asked me.

I shook my head. "Nope."

Denki gave Kacchan a look.

"Dunce face." Kacchan greeted in his own way.

"Did you ever look at the video?" Denki said as he looked back at his paper.

Kacchan is being incredibly calm for being around Denki. "That's none of your fucking business. But no I don't want to cheat my way through it."

Denki hummed in response.

Am I missing something?

"What?" I asked the two of them.

"Don't worry about it nerd." He said as he looked back down at his phone.

I go back to helping Denki. "So heard you got a fucking boyfriend." Kacchan got out after a bit of silence. 

"Um, he's okay just still new." I answered nervously. "We decided that we would take things slow."

Kacchan nodded and tightened the grip on his phone. "Figures guys a pussy." He grumbled something I couldn't really hear.

"Sounds like you don't like him Katsuki." Denki said.

Kacchan gave Denki a look that could kill But Denki had the guts to not look away. "No, I don't like him one fucking bit."

"Why not." Denki asked with a slight smirk.

"Because I don't like to see his nasty hands on Deku." He ended the conversation.

The amount of confidence this man holds.

Denki chuckles then goes back to his homework.

"Can see you in the tux you wearing nerd?" Kacchan asked again.

I look him in the eyes and give him a warm smile. "No. Not until Saturday." 

"Well fuck you too." Kacchan said with a small smile.

I won't ever get over you if you look at me like that.

I turn back to help Denki. "Do you want to go to my room?" I asked hoping to get a second away from Kacchan.

"No! I I like it out here." Denki shouted at first but then tired to recover.

I gave Denki a concerned look. "You good?"  

Denki nodded his head. "Yupp." He made sure to pop the 'P'.

With Denki you never know what's up.

"Uh huh.....Okay then, we'll stay out here." I say a hesitantly still giving him a concerned look but continued to help Denki with his homework. 

Every now and then Kacchan would make fun of Denki or make one of his snarky remarks.  

. . . 

Now every time Shinso would kiss me or touch me, I would think about what Kacchan said.

"Because I don't like to see his nasty hands on Deku."

I hated it due to the fact that I was finally starting to enjoy Shinso. He is a funny guy and sweet too, calm and collocative. He likes to stay inside and watch movies and things like that which is fun and all I guess.

But I'm not that kind of person. I would much rather be going out and having fun with someone. Someone who would take the risk of getting caught doing something where not supposed to. Some one who wants to go do dumb shit at three in the morning.  

My mom has not deiced if she likes Shinso or not. She says that there's something about him that just doesn't sit right with her, And Yo....well he's not one to judge for he has been 'hanging out' with Camie.

I also liked Shinso because he managed to push all those thoughts about Kacchan to the back of my mind....

(A/N: I will post the next chapter in like an hour just have to edit it a bit.)

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