Chapter 2

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The two-week trip to Hawaii with Izuku and his friends had come to a close, probably one of the three best trips they could have gone on. Besides the couple of times that they had lost Denki's cell phone, everything had gone smoothly.

After hours spent at the airport and on planes they had finally landed and we're just waiting for their parents to pick them up, Iida's parents had dropped everyone off at the airport three weeks ago when they had left but today his parents couldn't go so it was up to other people to pick them up.

ochaco's parents had picked her and Iida up around ten minutes ago which just left the iconic trio Shoto, Kaminari, and of course Izuku. They sat on the black metal bench with their suitcases playing a game of eye spy, they had reached a new level of boredom with and their jet lag didn't make it any better.

" it that guy's shoes?" Shoto asked gesturing over to a man who also waited for his ride out of the pickup zone, the color of his shoes were a dark red.

The golden blond teen turned his head over in the direction of the man shaking his head with a yawn. "Nope wrong again."

Izuku chuckled at Shoto who was questioning what Denki had even chose. The greenette looked around the airport the warm yellow lights lighting up the dark night watching cars go and come, seeing families pick up their relatives smiles as they hugged and the way they never faded as they drove away, headlights of the cars that came and left creating a calming environment.

'Well, it's not gonna be anything down here so....' Izuku thought looking over to the dark lit parking garage that was probably around seven or eight levels of cars, spotting a dark red truck facing the teens,

"That truck over there." Izuku said pointing over to the truck.

"Nope wro- wait." Denki started but stopped when he looked in the direction he points in, a smile showed up on his face. "Yeah, you found it Izu."

"How was I suppose to find that?" The duel colored teen groaned as the The other two hi-fived, all the boys falling into laughter at the comment.

The buzzing in Izuku's pocket drew his attention over to his phone reaching over to the pocket in his black sweatpants, answering the phone as he pulled it to his ear. "Hey Katty."

"Hey green bean i'm about to get to the pick up zone in just a sec so make sure your friends and you are ready alright?" The blond teen's voice could be heard over the phone. "Or I'll murder you when I drop you off."

Izuku's eyebrows furrowed at his words, "Thought my mom was picking us up."

"Yeahh...she was supposed to but she had something come up with the spark plugs in her car so Yo's fixing it, she called me asking if I could pick you up." Katsuki answered, mumbling a couple of curse words at the car in front of him.

"Ohh alrighty haha, I told her to change those a while ago." Izuku chuckled, his mom always did like to say that if she didn't know how to fix it she wouldn't touch it.

"I know right? and I was supposed to change them this weekend too, guess it's just one less thing to do." Katsuki said putting on his blinker so he could pull over to curb, moving his gear shift to park once he did.

"Okay i'm parked, where are you losers at?" Katsuki asked moving the red lighter that was in his passenger seat in the cup holder. Katsuki eyes searched around for the green fluffy and his other friends who also had colored hair not that it really mattered to him.

"Uh hold on I think we see you, are you in the Audi?" Izuku asked when he spotted the back of a black Audi S7.

Katsuki nodded even though Izuku really see him, looking through the rear view mirror spotting Izuku and his friends. "Indeed I am."

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