Chapter 8

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Word count 1577 

Izuku's Pov

"Izuku! I'm home!" I could here Yo yelled while walking into the house. "I need to talk to you!"

I groan and walk out my room to the kitchen where Yo was making himself a sandwich. "You want a sandwich?" Yo asked me while he pulled out the Nutella.

"Yes please." I said as I sat down on the Island. "What did you want to talk about?"

I'm pretty sure I know what he wants to talk about but I don't want to talk about it. 

"So Kat told me something today." Yo said spreading the Nutella on the bread. 


"Um what did he tell you?" I asked nervously fidgeting with my hands.

"He told me that you were his date to his parents party." He pushed over the plate with the sandwich. "What's up with that?"

"Oh right. I don't know he asked me and he says his parents said they thought I would make a good date." I say taking a bite on the sandwich looking anywhere but him.

"Hmm." Is all he said, I looked at Yo and say he had his jaw clenched.

"He hasn't tried to do anything right Izu?" The look in Yo's eyes scared the shit out of me. He always does that look when his mad or tying to find something out, and it usually always works. 

"N-no he hasn't....w-hy do you ask?" I stuttered out a lie.

Yo went back to his happy optimistic self. "No reason." He took a bite out of his sandwich.

"Okay....your okay with this?" I hated how he would switch personality within seconds it was scary weird. 

"Sure I guess it's not like its a date. Your going cause auntie wants you to go." Yo said to me as he walked out the kitchen. 

. . .


Me and Denki are sitting in the Dekusquad van eating chicken nuggets from McBobbles. In the parking lot of target. Waiting for Iida and the girls to get back to the car.

Denki took a bite of his chicken nuggets. "Hm. Well do you like him?" I had just told Denki about going to the party with Kacchan.

"Come on Denks you know the answer to that." I say eating one of my chicken nuggets.

"No I really don't. You may have liked him when we were younger but it's been years." He said while taking a sip of his drink.

I took a deep breath. "I don't know. It's complicated." I look out into the almost empty parking lot. "He makes me feel a certain way, like every time he give me one of those small smile it makes my heart skip a beat, And when he laughs I swear to god I feel like my heart is going to stop. He gives this warmth off while he sleeps which just makes me want to hug him and stay there. He is so confident in everything he does even if has no clue what he's doing..."

I looked back at Denki who had a smile on his face. "You have a thing Mr. King Explosion murder." 

"Oh Shush." I grab on of my fries and throw it at Denki which he caught with his mouth. 

"Your not denying anything!" Denki cheered nudging me

"Nope not denying anything." I began, "But I'm still trying to figure things out with Shinso he keeps making moves. We have made out a couple time and i think he's trying to go a step farther."

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