Chapter 14

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I have a stupid fucking cold and I'm on fire with this fever but my mind said write this chapter right fucking now so here I am...ANYWAYYY ENJOY THE CHAPTER!✨

Word count 4347

Bakugou Pov

I look down at the sleeping Deku that was cuddled up against me.

I let a smile fall onto my lips. God he is just so perfect. Run my hand up and down his back slightly.

I hear the Shitty hair and Sero whispering to each other through he phone. It was just us three since Pinky and Yo wanted to sleep.

"What the hell are you two whispering about?" I ask taking my attention away from Deku.

They both froze for a second. "Nothing~"

"Spit it the fuck out." I said already annoyed

"You say it Sero."

"I'm not asking you ask. He'll kill me." They go back and fourth like children asking for a extra fork at a restaurant.

"Oi. Hurry the fuck up." I I say setting the controller to the side.

"Um okay....Is that by chance....Izuku?" Sero said slowly moving his as if he would get a better angle of what was happing on my side.

"What the hell? Why would Deku be here?" I technically have not said anything about him not being here. I look down at Deku and run my hand through his hair.

"Well after Izuku left i went to punch Shinso one last tome before leaving." He started I mentally thank him for punching eyebags. "I checked to make sure he made it home safe and sound....But when I checked snap maps he was at your house but then he turned it off."

"And then you had to pause playing to go do something which was nothing really until....You came back much calmer and then you told us to be quite and then just had your camera to the ceiling." Kirishima pipped up at the end.

"So we waited till Yo left to confront you about it so he wouldn't find out." Soy sauce ended there little Ted talk.

"For sucks sake mind you own damn business your worse then pinky." I say sliding the head set off. "And you better not say shit to anyone or I will take your stash of weed Soy sauce."

"Aye chill there will be no need to take anyone's weed were not going to tell anyone right Kiri?" He said getting all defensive over it.

Hair for brains nodded his head. "Good."

I flip them off and turn end the facetime call and throw my phone somewhere on my bed. I looked down at Deku and watched as his chest slowly raised and fell. I took my ring off and set in on the nightstand next to the bed.

I pulled my shirt over my head and threw it somewhere in the room. I carefully lay down making sure not to wake Deku up. He moved slightly getting more comfortable.

I carefully pull him into my chest and rest my head on top of his head.

He won't know right?

I kiss the top of his head then burry my face in his soft green hair. "Goodnight Deku."

Izuku's Pov


The first student council meeting post break up was surely something...I didn't talk to him, He didn't talk to me. We only made eye contact once and it was incredibly awkward.

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